Declarations of interest for agenda item '21/6400N - SWIMMING POOL, FLAG LANE, CREWE, CW2 7QX: Redevelopment of Flag Lane Baths, Crewe into a flagship Community Centre for the town. Refurbishment of exterior of the building. Replacement of all doors, windows and rooflights. Proposed landscaping and general refurbishment of the external grounds. Change of use from a public swimming pool, to a Sui Generis hub. Delicate and complementary extensions on the south elevation The extensions are a different materiality to the brick'
- Councillor Anthony Critchley - In the interests of Openness - A Critchley declared that he was a close friend of Councillor C Naismith and had campaigned on his behalf but he had not predetermined the application.
- Councillor Connor Naismith - Non Pecuniary - Councillor C Naismith declared that he had been openly supportive of the scheme and would be exercising his right to speak as Ward Councillor under the public speaking protocol and would then leave the room for the remainder of the item.
- Councillor David Marren - In the interests of Openness - Councillor D Marren declared that until 1 April 2009 he had managed the site as an officer of Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council and he had not predetermined the application.