Declarations of interest for agenda item '21/4490N-Erection of an up to 5 MW Solar PV Array and circa 25MW battery storage, comprising ground mounted solar PV panels, battery storage compound, vehicular access from the existing site entrance with internal access tracks, landscaping and associated infrastructure including security fencing and CCTV cameras, Leighton Grange Farm, Middlewich Road, Leighton for Daniel Griffiths, Cheshire East Council'
- Councillor Nick Mannion - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of application 21/4490N, Councillor N Mannion declared that until May 2021 he was the Portfolio Holder at Cheshire East Council with responsibility for assets and therefore whilst he was aware of the proposals for such a development he had not been involved in the drafting of the planning application and was only aware of the details when he read the agenda.
- Councillor Patrick Redstone - In the interests of Openness -
In the interest of openness in respect of application 21/4490N, Councillor P Redstone declared he had previously been involved in the PV industry but was no longer involved and he had no connection with the company connected to the application.
- Councillor Steven Edgar - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of applications Councillor S Edgar declared that he was a member of the Public Rights of Way Committee (PRoW) however he had not discussed the application or made any comments on it.