Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item '21/4434N-Reserved matters application proposing details of layout, appearance, scale and landscaping for the residential element (C3 use) of the outline development 15/1537N - Outline planning application (with all matters reserved) for a mixed-use development comprising residential use (Use Class C3) (up to 325 residential dwellings); employment use (Use Class B1), local centre comprising health centre and community facility (Use Class D1), food/non food retail (Use Class A1), public house/restaurant (Use Class A4/A3) and associated works including construction of a new access road with access from the Crewe Green Link Road South, creation of footpaths and provision of public open space and landscaping, Land to the West Of, David Whitby Bay, Weston for Adam Dohren, Taylor Wimpey UK Limited'