Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- Councillor Alift Harewood - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor Alift Harewood noted she had received email correspondence from and although she had read the information, it did not predetermine her view and she was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor Byron Evans - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor Byron Evans noted he had received email correspondence from and although he had read the information, it did not predetermine his view and he was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor Carol Bulman - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor Carol Bulman noted she had received email correspondence from and although she had read the information, it did not predetermine her view and she was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor Carol Bulman - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council) the Chair noted that three members of the Committee (Councillors Carol Bulman, Rachel Bailey and Margaret Simon) had formed a Hearing Sub-Committee for Handforth Parish Council, however none of the meetings went ahead as they were either postponed or cancelled.
- Councillor David Marren - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor David Marren noted he had received email correspondence from and although he had read the information, it did not predetermine his view and he was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor David Marren - Pecuniary - Councillor David Marren declared a pecuniary interest in respect of agenda item 8) Internal Audit Plan 2022/23 as the report mentioned Orbitas and Councillor Marren will be the Chair of this Alternative Service Delivery Vehicle, (ASDV), for the next few weeks.
- Councillor Margaret Simon - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council) the Chair noted that three members of the Committee (Councillors Carol Bulman, Rachel Bailey and Margaret Simon) had formed a Hearing Sub-Committee for Handforth Parish Council, however none of the meetings went ahead as they were either postponed or cancelled.
- Councillor Margaret Simon - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor Margaret Simon noted she had received email correspondence from and although she had read the information, it did not predetermine her view and she was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor Marilyn Houston - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor Marilyn Houston noted she had received email correspondence from and although she had read the information, it did not predetermine her view and she was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor Mike Sewart - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor Mike Sewart noted he had received email correspondence from and although he had read the information, it did not predetermine his view and he was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor Patrick Redstone - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor Patrick Redstone noted he had received email correspondence from and although he had read the information, it did not predetermine his view and he was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor Patrick Redstone - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of agenda item 10) Risk Management Update, Councillor Patrick Redstone declared he was a school governor and schools were referred to as part of the update. Councillor Redstone declared this interest during agenda item 10.
- Councillor Rachel Bailey - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), Councillor Rachel Bailey noted she had received email correspondence from and although she had read the information, it did not predetermine her view and she was approaching the meeting with an open mind.
- Councillor Rachel Bailey - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency, in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council) the Chair noted that three members of the Committee (Councillors Carol Bulman, Rachel Bailey and Margaret Simon) had formed a Hearing Sub-Committee for Handforth Parish Council, however none of the meetings went ahead as they were either postponed or cancelled.
- David Brown - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), both David Brown, Director of Governance and Compliance and the Monitoring Officer and Jamie Hollis, Interim Head of Legal had received complaints made against them that related to Handforth Parish Council and these complaints were not able to be resolved prior to the meeting. As a consequence of this, both officers were not in a position to give any legal advice to the Committee on this matter.
- Jamie Hollis - In the interests of Openness - In the interests of openness and transparency in respect of item 9) Member Code of Conduct Sub Committee Report (Handforth Parish Council), both David Brown, Director of Governance and Compliance and the Monitoring Officer and Jamie Hollis, Interim Head of Legal had received complaints made against them that related to Handforth Parish Council and these complaints were not able to be resolved prior to the meeting. As a consequence of this, both officers were not in a position to give any legal advice to the Committee on this matter.