Declarations of interest for agenda item '21/2240C-Application seeking detailed consent via Reserved Matters approval following Outline application17/1000C for 454 dwellings and the associated infrastructure and open space on Land off Giantswood Lane and Manchester Road, Congleton. Land Between Manchester Road And, Giantswood Lane, Hulme Walfield for Michael Blackhurst, Redrow Homes'
- Councillor Lesley Smetham - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of application 21/2240C, Councillor L Smetham declared that she was a Member of Eaton Parish Council who were a consultee, how she had not discussed the application with the Parish Council or made any comments on it.
- Councillor Steven Edgar - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness Councillor S Edgar declared that he was the Vice Chair of the Public Rights of Way Committee who were a consultee on the application, however he had not discussed the matter.
- Councillor Steven Hogben - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of application 21/2240C, Councillor S Hogben declared that he was a non-Executive Director of ANSA who were a consultee, however he had not discussed the application or made any comments on it.