Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Final Draft Housing Supplementary Planning Document'
- Councillor Stewart Gardiner - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of agenda item 8-Final Draft Housing Supplementary Planning Document, Councillor S Gardiner declared that he knew several of the participants in the consultation including Emery Planning and Barton Willmore both of whom were previous employers of his. He was also part of their pension schemes, however he had not discussed the item with either company. Further to this he was well known to Knutsford Residents Association who had also made contributions but again he had not discussed the matter with them. Barratts and David Wilson Homes had made representations and whilst he was working with both companies on a separate work project he had not discussed the matter. Finally in the past he had been acquainted with CPRE who had also made representations.