Declarations of interest for agenda item '21/1205C Former CLEDFORD HALL FARM, CLEDFORD LANE, MIDDLEWICH: Erection of 10 gypsy and traveller transit pitches and associated amenity block'
- Councillor James Nicholas - In the interests of Openness - Councillor J Nicholas declared that he was a member of the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board who were consultees on the application.
- Councillor Mike Hunter - In the interests of Openness - Councillor M Hunter declared that he had received phone calls about the application but had not responded to them. He declared he was a member of Middlewich Town Council but had not taken part in any discussion on the application. He declared that he was a non-Executive Director of ANSA, who had been consulted on the application.
- Councillor Patrick Redstone - In the interests of Openness - Councillor P Redstone declared that he was acquainted with Councillor N Mannion as a friend as well as colleague and also that he had spoken in favour of a traveller site 18 months ago in line with general policy and not specifically in relation to this application and that he had not fettered his discretion in relation to the application.
- Councillor Steven Edgar - In the interests of Openness - Councillor S Edgar declared that he was a member of the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board who were consultees on the application.