Declarations of interest for agenda item '21/1065C LAND SOUTH OF, CLEDFORD LANE, MIDDLEWICH: Outline planning application with all matters reserved for future determination except for means of access for an employment development (Use Classes B8, B2 and ancillary E(g)) with associated landscaping, drainage and infrastructure including an energy centre.'
- Councillor Steven Edgar - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of the application, Councillor S Edgar declared that he was a member of the Public Rights of Way Committee and Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board who werea consultee on the application.
- Councillor Stewart Gardiner - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of application 21/1065C, Councillor S Gardiner declared that he knew Suckley, the agent for the applicant speaking on the application, however he had not discussed the application with him.