Declarations of interest for agenda item '20/1080W MANSFIELD HOUSE, WITHYFOLD DRIVE, MACCLESFIELD, CHESHIRE, SK10 2BD: Change of use of site from vehicle recovery depot to waste recycling centre, installation of weighbridge, removal of existing temporary building and erection of two new canopy buildings for the receipt and storage of non-hazardous wastes (temporary for 3 years)'
- Councillor Brian Puddicombe - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of application 20/1080W, Councillor B Puddicombe declared that he was the Ward Councillor and that the applicant had a major operation in his ward that caused case work, but that the other Ward Councillor dealt with the site and as such he ha not pre-determined this application.
- Councillor David Edwardes - In the interests of Openness - In the interest of openness in respect of application 20/1080W, Councillor D Edwardes declared that he had pre-determined the application by virtue of the fact that he was a member of Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee where the application had been considered. He had taken part in the debate and spoken and therefore in accordance with the Code of Conduct he left the meeting prior to consideration of the application.