Issue details

PROW - Footpath No9 Hassall (junction with Hassall Moss) to the Junction with Footpath No8 Hassall, Hassall - Definitive Map Modification Order Application

Determination of Footpath No9 Hassall (junction with Hassall Moss) to the Junction with Footpath No8 Hassall, Hassall - Definitive Map Modification Order Application

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 19 Sep 2024 by Highways and Transport Committee

Lead director: Director of Highways and Infrastructure

Contact: Nicola Lewis-Smith Email:, Angela Mann Email:, Melanie Morley Email:


Agenda items


  • PROW - Footpath No9 Hassall (junction with Hassall Moss) to the Junction with Footpath No8 Hassall, Hassall - Definitive Map Modification Order Application