On 20 July 2022, full Council delegated authority to the Executive Director Place to manage the Cheshire East UKSPF 2022-25 programme.
A call out for project proposals was subsequently launched with a deadline for submissions of 18 August. Following the deadline all submissions were sent to the external appraisers to independently assess, with a view to the appraisers a to make recommendations as to projects to receive UKSPF
The assessors have indicated that there has been insufficient eligible responses received in the initial call out for interventions E6 (Local arts, cultural, heritage & creative activities) and E7 (Support for active travel enhancements in local area), with a number of proposals received in these areas, seeking funding for interventions below the minimum financial thresholds set.
It is now proposed that a further call out for E6 and E7 interventions be undertaken, with a two-week window for returns.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/11/2023
Decision due: 29 Aug 2023 by Executive Director Place