Issue details

Business Rates Discretionary Relief Review

To review the detail and overall impact of discretionary relief from business rates.


The Sub-Committee will be asked to:

-       Note the detail of the current discretionary relief provided locally.

-       Note the impact of discretionary relief on the MTFS.

-       Approve any proposed local changes to the levels of discretionary relief if agreed

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/06/2022

Decision due: 9 Nov 2022 by Finance Sub-Committee

Lead director: Director of Finance and Customer Services (s151 Officer)

Contact: Alex Thompson, Director of Financial and Customer Services Email:

Consultation process


Equality Impact Assessment: Yes

Budget & Policy Framework: Yes

Reference Number: FSC/7/22-23

Private/Confidential Decision with Relevant Paragraph number: No