To provide information on the Council’s performance against the financial strategy during the 2022/23 Financial Year.
The Committee will be asked to:
- Note the financial performance in 2022/23 as it relates to: income and expenditure of Revenue and Capital budgets; movement in reserves; achievement of MTFS proposals across all Committees.
- Note or approve any mitigating action as a consequence of the performance in 2022/23 in relation to the Committees responsibilities.
- Note or Approve items being considered as part of the 2023 to 2027 MTFS
- Note or approve financial management transactions, such as virement and supplementary estimates, as required by the Constitution.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/05/2022
Decision due: 23 Mar 2023 by Corporate Policy Committee
Lead director: Director of Finance and Customer Services (s151 Officer)
Contact: Alex Thompson, Director of Financial and Customer Services Email:
Consultation process
Equality Impact Assessment: No
Budget & Policy Framework: Yes
Reference Number: CP/44/22-23
Private/Confidential Decision with Relevant Paragraph number: No