Issue - decisions

Appointments to Outside Organisations

02/12/2024 - Appointments to Outside Organisations

The committee considered the report which set out proposed changes to appointments to outside organisations.


An amendment was proposed in relation to recommendation 4 by the Independent Group. It was proposed that Councillor Hannah Moss be the council’s representative on the Manchester Airport Consultative Committee. This was accepted by the committee as a friendly amendment.


RESOLVED (unanimously):


That the Corporate Policy Committee


1.    Approve the appointment of Councillor Ben Wye as one of the Council’s representatives on the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board.


2.    Approve the appointment of Councillor Michael Gorman as the Council’s representative on the Transport for the North: General Purposes Committee.


3.    Approve the appointment of Councillor Cllr Joy Bratherton as one of the Council’s representatives on the Cheshire Pension Fund.


4.    Approve the appointment of Councillor Hannah Moss as the Council’s representative on the Manchester Airport Consultative Committee.


5.    Note that these appointments will run until the Council’s representation on all outside organisations is reviewed following the election of the new Council in 2027.