Issue - decisions

Tatton Park Enterprises Ltd Contract Extension

28/03/2024 - Tatton Park Enterprises Ltd Contract Extension

The Chair, Councillor N Mannion, declared a pecuniary interest in this item as a member of the Tatton Park Board and left the meeting prior to its consideration, vacating the chair. The Vice-Chair, Councillor L Anderson, chaired the meeting in Councillor Mannion’s absence.


The Sub-Committee considered a proposal to extend the contract for catering provision at Tatton Park to Tatton Park Enterprises Ltd (TPE Ltd) for a period of 24 months effective from the 16th April 2024 to the 15th April 2026.


RESOLVED (unanimously)


That the Sub-Committee approves that the contract with Tatton Park Enterprises Ltd for the catering provision at Tatton Park be extended for a further two years from the 16th April 2024 to the 15th April 2026.


At the conclusion of this item, Councillor Mannion was invited to return to the meeting and resumed the chair.