Issue - decisions

Domestic Homicide Report - PAM

15/03/2024 - Domestic Homicide Report - PAM

The committee considered a briefing report about the Domestic Homicide Review regarding “PAM”. The Domestic Homicide Summary Report had been written by an Independent Author and had recently been published by the Home Office following a delay due to the covid pandemic.


The Domestic Homicide review was a review of the circumstances and to identify lessons learned.


The committee extended their sympathies and condolences to the family and agreed that the report indicated that there were missed opportunities for agencies, specifically in respect of the perpetrators mental health as well as their physical health.


Members felt that it was important for the Adults and Health Committee to ensure that the recommendations from the review would be put in place. It was proposed and seconded that:


-       a report on a review of progress towards lessons learnt going forward be brought to committee at a future date, and

-       for the committee to have sight of any other Domestic Homicides and Safeguarding Adult Reviews.

-       The Domestic Homicide Review be published on the Safer Cheshire East website.


This was voted on and was carried unanimously.


The committee thanked all those involved in the review.


RESOLVED (Unanimously):-


1.    That the report be noted and a report on the review of progress towards lessons learnt be brought back to committee at a future date.

2.    That the committee have sight of any other Domestic Homicides and Safeguarding Adult Reviews taking place.

3.    That the review be published on the Safer Cheshire East website.