1 The Environment and Communities Committee is responsible for developing policies and making decisions on matters relating to the delivery of inclusive and sustainable growth, improving the quality of the environment and delivering improvement in key front line services.
2 The Committee’s responsibilities include:
· development and delivery of the Council’s strategic objectives for Environmental Management, sustainability, renewables and climate change;
· the development and delivery of the Council's Environment Strategy and Carbon Neutral Action Plan;
· development and delivery of the Local Development Framework including the Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Documents, Neighbourhood Plans, the Brownfield Land Register, Conservation Areas, Locally Listed Buildings, the Community Infrastructure Levy, and Statement of Community Involvement;
· external health and safety good practice and enforcement including instituting proceedings and prosecutions;
· determination of policies, exercising functions and delivering improvement in relation to waste collection and disposal, recycling, fly tipping, parks and green spaces, leisure, libraries and sports development, bereavement services, trading standards, environmental health, emergency planning, CCTV, nuisance and anti-social behaviour, public space protection orders, community enforcement, animal health and welfare, food safety/licensing, pest control, contaminated land and air quality;
· compulsory purchase of land to support the delivery of schemes and projects promoted by the Committee; and
3 Oversight, scrutiny, reviewing outcomes, performance, budget monitoring and risk management of the Directorate of Environment and Neighbourhood, including: Development Management; Spatial Planning; Building Control and Planning systems; Neighbourhood Planning; Environmental Services; Regulatory Services; Libraries; Leisure Commissioning; Emergency Planning; and Neighbourhood Services.
Support officer: Josie Lloyd. Tel: 01270 686466 Email: josie.lloyd@cheshireeast.gov.uk
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Delamere House
Delamere Street
Phone: 01270 686466
Email: josie.lloyd@cheshireeast.gov.