To consider the above planning application.
Consideration was given to the above planning application.
The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:
Councillor Garnet Marshall (ward councillor) and Leon Armstrong (agent).
That for the reasons set out in the report the application be APPROVED, subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement with the following Heads of Terms:
S106 |
Amount |
Triggers |
Affordable Housing
100% affordable housing (33 units rented and 32 units as intermediate tenure). |
In accordance with details to be submitted and approved. |
Amenity Green Space and Play Provision
On site provision of Open Space and a LEAP.
Scheme of Management to be submitted and approved |
Shall be provided on the eastern parcel before first occupation. Shall be provided on the western parcel before first occupation. |
Outdoor Sports Contribution |
£89,178.78 |
To be paid prior to the occupation of the 15th dwelling |
£70,202 |
To be paid prior to the first occupation of the 30th dwelling |
Education |
£187,019.00 (Secondary) £74,920.00 (SEN) |
Secondary to be provided prior to first occupation SEN to be paid prior to the first occupation of the 30th dwelling |
and the following conditions:
1. Standard time 3 years
2. Approved plans
3. Noise mitigation measures
4. PROW details of the specification of the footpath, surfacing, widths and street furniture, To include replacement of the kissing gate to allow disabled access
5. Low emission boiler provision
6. Electric Vehicle Charging provision
7. Contaminated Land Assessment to be submitted and approved
8. Contaminated Land Verification Report
9. Contaminated Land Importation of Soil
10. Unexpected contamination
11. Oil interceptors to be provided
12. Compliance with the submitted drainage strategy
13. Land levels to be submitted and approved
14. Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree protection Plan to be submitted and approved
15. Submission and approval of hedgerow protection measures
16. Materials compliance with the submitted details
17. Boundary treatment to be submitted and approved.
18. Fenestration details including window reveal to be submitted and approved
19. Archaeology details to be submitted and approved
20. Breeding birds – timing of works
21. Hedgehogs – Reasonable avoidance measures
22. Lighting details to be submitted and approved
23. Submission and implementation of CEMP including pollution control measures in respect of the canal. To include contractor parking within the site only, location of the site compound and restriction of deliveries between 09:30-15:00
24. Ecological Enhancements to be submitted and approved
25. Submission and implementation of habitat creation method statement and 30 year management and monitoring plan.
26. Bat and Bird Box details to be provided
27. 10% of energy needs to be from renewable or low carbon energy
28. Prior to the commencement of development, a timetable for the implementation of the highway works shall be submitted to the LPA for approval in writing. The development shall comply with the approved timetable.
29. Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme to widen the existing footway between the site between Meadow View and Finneys Lane to be submitted and approved.
30. Bin/Cycle storage details for the proposed apartments
31. Landscaping to be submitted
32. Landscaping to be completed
33. Hard surfacing details to be submitted and approved.
34. Details of the specifications of the LEAP design, natural play elements, artwork and other infrastructure such as seating and planters to be submitted and approved.
35. At least 30% of the dwellings in housing developments should comply with the requirements of M4(2) Category 2 of the Building Regulations regarding accessible and adaptable dwellings.
36. At least 6% of the dwellings in housing developments should comply with the requirement m4 (3)(2)(a) Category 3 of the Building Regulations regarding wheelchair adaptable dwellings.
37. The provision of two additional parking spaces
In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Planning has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Southern Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.
In the event of an appeal, agreement is given to enter into a S106 Agreement with the following Heads of Terms:
S106 |
Amount |
Triggers |
Affordable Housing
100% affordable housing (33 units rented and 32 units as intermediate tenure).
In accordance with details to be submitted and approved. |
Amenity Green Space and Play Provision
On site provision of Open Space and a LEAP.
Scheme of Management to be submitted and approved |
Shall be provided on the eastern parcel before first occupation. Shall be provided on the western parcel before first occupation. |
Outdoor Sports Contribution |
£89,178.78 |
To be paid prior to the occupation of the 15th dwelling |
£70,202 |
To be paid prior to the first occupation of the 30th dwelling |
Education |
£187,019.00 (Secondary) £74,920.00 (SEN) |
Secondary to be provided prior to first occupation SEN to be paid prior to the first occupation of the 30th dwelling |
Supporting documents: