Consideration was given to the
above application.
(Councillor Mick Warren (Ward
Member), Mr J Harness (Objector) and Mr C Jones (Agent) attended
the meeting and spoke in respect of the application).
That for the reasons set out in
the report the application be REFUSED for the
following reasons:
- Due to the size,
scale, bulk, siting and orientation of
the proposed development it results in the overdevelopment of a
heavily constrained site. The three-storey form, singular large
massing and volume is considered to be
visually prominent and overbearing in the wider area from Jodrell
Street, Pearson Street and Swettenham Street vistas in particular
in comparison to that insitu. The built
form including hard-landscaping to
external amenity space ratio does not reflect themes of similar
residential developments in the area, nor the quantum of built
development proposed and future needs of occupants, visitors and
staff regarding provision of adequately proportioned and
well-positioned, on-site external amenity space. The mitigatory
3.5m timber screening for external plant to the north of the site
would be prominent and unsightly and be detrimental to the
character of the site and immediate area visible from Swettenham
Street and Goodall Street. Dues to the scale of the development it
fails to provide for 1no. ambulance/drop-off/pick-up bay to serve
the development which includes specialist care for all ages
including the elderly/older persons. The development is considered to be contrary to policies and
guidance SD1, SD2, SE1, SE2 and SE4 of the Cheshire East Local Plan
Strategy 2017, GEN1, ENV5, HOU2, HOU10 and INF3 of the Site
Allocations and Development Policies Document 2022, the Cheshire
East Design Guide SPD and Housing SPD.
- The development is
considered to result in overbearing impacts and loss of privacy to rear
habitable rooms and external amenity/garden areas of existing
properties on Swettenham Street and Pearson Street due to the
three-storey scale, siting and orientation of the proposed new
building. The development is considered to
be contrary to policies and guidance: SE12 of the Cheshire
East Local Plan Strategy 2017, ENV15, HOU2, HOU10, HOU12 and HOU13
of the Site Allocations and Development Policies Document 2022 and
the Cheshire East Design Guide SPD.
- There is insufficient
information to ascertain the impact of the development on off-site
trees. The proposals are considered to
be contrary to policies SD1, SD2 and SE5 of Cheshire East
Local Plan Strategy 2017 and ENV6 of the Site Allocations and
Development Policies Document 2022.
the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the
Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add
Conditions and/or Informatives or
reasons for approval prior to the decision being issued, the Head
of Planning has delegated authority to do so in consultation with
the Chair of the Northern Planning Committee, provided that the
changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the
Committee’s decision.
During consideration of this item Councillor Mannion declared
that he was a member of the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service and
that he had followed the Grenfell Tower inquiry with