To consider the above planning application.
Consideration was given to the above planning application.
The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:
Parish Councillor: Councillor John Cornell, Weston and Crewe Green Parish Council
Agent / Applicant: Neil Hall
For the reasons set out in the report, and the update report, the application be APPROVED as RECOMMENDED, subject to the completion of Section 106 Agreement and conditions:
S106 |
Amount |
Trigger |
Provision of all areas of heritage mitigation planting /landscaping, POS/incidental open space, Children’s play, allotments/ orchards and ecological areas to be delivered in accordance with phasing plan.
Prior to commencement of development
Education (primary/secondary/ SEN) |
£6,871,369 |
50% prior to Commencement of a dwelling, then 50% Prior to occupation of 325th dwelling (or 50% percentile dwelling) |
Affordable Housing
(tenure split of 65/35 between social rented and intermediate housing).
Highway improvement works – B5472 / A500 ‘Meremoor Moss’ Roundabout scheme or broader highway improvements on the A500 corridor
£2,450,000 |
£1.45M prior to occupation of 350 units and £1M prior to occupation of 500 units. |
Highway improvement works - University Way/ Weston Road Roundabout |
£1,400.000 |
Upon occupation of the 150th unit (Unless delivered earlier by developer under s278) |
Highways – Bus Services |
£1,083000 |
50% on occupation of the 150th Dwelling, then 50% on occupation of the 325th Dwelling.
Highways – Average Speed Cameras or other traffic control measures on the B5472 or other traffic management measures or Travel Plan incentives |
£150,000 |
prior to occupation of 325 properties or delivery of the Main Road / B5472 junction alterations. |
Arrangements for transfer to management company of all areas of planting /landscaping, POS/incidental open space Childrens’s play space, allotments/orchards and ecological areas |
Prior to first occupation of the development |
Contribution to outdoor sports facilities |
£862,301 |
- - 50% paid at occupation of 100 dwellings - - Remainder paid at occupation of 325 dwellings
NHS Healthcare
NHS formula £504 per 1 bed unit £720 per 2 bed unit £1,008 per 3 bed unit £1,260 per 4 bed unit £1,728 per 5 bed unit |
- 33% paid at occupation of 100 dwellings - - 33% paid at occupation of 50% percentile dwelling (325 dwellings) - - Remainder at occupation of 75% percentile dwelling (487 dwellings) |
Indoor Sport Contribution |
£183,000 |
Prior to first occupation of the development |
And the following conditions:
1. Time limit – approval of reserved matters (3 years)
2. Approval of reserved matters
3. Approved plans – Location and parameter plans
4. Development to comply with building Heights and housing density identified on Parameters Plans
5. Detailed Phasing Plan to be submitted with first reserved matters application
6. Submission of detailed Character Area Design Codes
7. All reserved matters applications to comply with the Design Coding.
8. Each reserved matters application to be supported by a Strategic Green Infrastructure and Landscape Strategy
9. Full details of landscape restoration and mitigation planting to be submitted as part of each reserved matters application
10. Implementation of approved landscaping scheme
11. Submission of Landscape Management Plan for all areas of POS and landscaping.
12. Submission of Public Art and Waymarking Strategy as part of Reserved Matters application
13. All Reserved matters applications to be supported by Arboricultural Impact Assessment
14. Submission Woodland Management Plan
15. Details of Boundary treatments submitted with all reserved matters applications
16. Details of levels to be submitted with all reserved matters applications
17. Measure to mitigate impact of lighting on heritage assets
18. Submission and approval of a written scheme of archaeological investigation and a programme for post-excavation assessment
19. Requirement to provide for self-build opportunity on site.
20. Demonstrate compliance with Nationally Prescribed Space Standards, and accessibility and wheelchair housing standards.
21. The submitted Indicative highway drawings and technical information establish the principles for the measures of a Highway Traffic Management Scheme which shall support any Reserved Matters application
22. Provision of bus layby to be implemented before the occupation of 150 dwellings.
23. Detailed scheme of street lighting to be approved prior to delivery of any of the highway improvements.
24. Provision of Cycleway link to the Basford East site including the delivery of the Signals at Main Road/Weston Road prior to the occupation of any dwellings
25. Prior to the delivery of the Weston Road/ Main Road signals the approved improvement scheme to the Weston Road/University Way Roundabout Junction shall be completed and available for use.
26. Details for the provision of a 5 space parking ‘drop off’ facility prior to the occupation of any properties within development Parcel W2
27. Approval of Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for each phase
28. Submission of a comprehensive travel plan framework for the site prior to first occupation.
29. Submission of a Residential Travel Plan prior to the occupation of any phase
30. Submission of details of minimum parapet height on B5472 railway bridge prior to provision of cycleways.
31. Submission of a detailed scheme for the widening of Old Park Road to 6.0m
32. Submission of site wide green infrastructure strategy, including habitat creation method statement, 30-year monitoring & management plan and method statement for the control of non-native invasive plant species, to reflect habitat creation and enhancement targets in the submitted BNG metrics.
33. Retention of all existing ponds on site as part of the detailed design at reserved matters stage.
34. Details of the specification of proposed lighting (bat friendly).
35. Submission of updated great crested newt, otter, bat and badger survey/assessment and mitigation strategy to be submitted in support of any future reserved matters application.
36. Any reserved matters application for development parcels ‘W1’, ‘W2’ and ‘S’ to be supported by an updated reptile survey/assessment and mitigation and compensation strategy to include the provision of a 2m buffer adjacent to the railway corridor
37. Submission of ecological enhancement proposals (bat and bird boxes etc.) with each reserved matters application.
38. Safeguarding of nesting birds
39. Submission of a detailed drainage strategy which prevents the loss or degradation of restorable peat
40. Submission of a Construction Environmental Management Plan toaddress impacts on bird species of Sandbach Flashes SSSI and their supporting habitat.
41. Scheme for the provision and management of an 8 metre wide undeveloped buffer zone alongside the main river
42. No development shall take place until a detailed drainage strategy and updated FRA for the site has been submitted and approved
43. Submission of details of proposed attenuation pond(s) and basins
44. CCTV survey of the existing drainage network.
45. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted flood risk assessment and mitigation measures detailed
46. Submission of a detailed Foul and Surface Water Drainage Scheme for the entire site and for each phase of the development.
47. Opening hours for retail and community uses within local centre
48. Waste management strategy and bin storage arrangements
49. Details for the provision of cycle storage
50. Noise mitigation measures to be support any reserved matters application
51. Provision of Electric Vehicle infrastructure
52. Provision of Ultra Low Emission Boilers
53. Prior to commencement of development submission of Phase II ground investigation and risk assessment and remediation strategy if necessary.
54. Contaminated land - Verification report
55. Contaminated land – soil testing
56. Measures to deal with unexpected contamination
57. Submission of Public rights of way scheme of management
58. Removal of Permitted Development Rights
59. Establishment of Community Liaison Group
60. Implementation of traffic calming measures on Jack Lane
In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Planning has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.
Supporting documents: