Agenda item

23/4597C - LAND OFF, WRIGHTS LANE, SANDBACH: Erection of 13no. dwellings, associated parking, open space and landscaping

To consider the above planning application.


Having declared an interest, Councillor M Muldoon did not take part in the consideration of this item.


Consideration was given to the above planning application.


The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:

Councillor Sam Corcoran (ward councillor), Matthias Bunte (objector) and Laura Miller (agent).




That for the reasons set out in the report and reported at the meeting, the approval of the application be DELEGATEDto the Head of Panning, in consultation with the Chair of Southern Planning Committee, to resolve the outstanding Biodiversity Net Gain matters, and to ensure that the parking area is secured via a condition or S106 Agreement (if the separate parking area application is refused then this application will be referred back to Southern Planning Committee), with the a S106 agreement with the following head of terms:






£71,484.02 (primary education)

£49,159.29 (secondary education)

Primary – full amount prior to first occupation

Secondary – full amount prior to first occupation of 6th dwelling

Outdoor Sport

Contribution of £13,000

Full amount prior to first occupation

Offside Open Space

Contribution of £39,000

Full amount prior to first occupation of the 6th dwelling

Open Space

Scheme of Management

Scheme of Management to be secured and agreed with the LPA



and the following conditions:


1               Standard time 3 years

2               Approved Plans

3               Low emission boiler provision

4               Electric Vehicle Charging provision

5               Travel Plan provision

6               Contaminated Land Assessment to be submitted and approved

7               Contaminated Land Verification Report

8               Contaminated Land Importation of Soil

9               Unexpected contamination

10           Detailed drainage strategy to be submitted and approved

11           Land levels to be submitted and approved

12           Materials to be submitted and approved

13           Boundary treatment to be submitted and approved

14           Window reveal to be provided

15           Breading birds – timing of works

16           Hedgehogs – Precautionary Method Statement

17           Lighting details to be submitted and approved

18           Ecological Enhancements to be submitted and approved

19           10% of energy needs to be from renewable or low carbon energy

20           Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme for the relocation of the telegraph pole and council bin be submitted and approved

21           Landscaping to be submitted

22           Landscaping to be completed

23           Hard surfacing to be completed in accordance with the submitted details

24           at least 30% of the dwellings in housing developments should comply with the requirements of M4(2) category of the Building Regulations regarding accessible and adaptable dwellings.

25           at least 6% of the dwellings in housing developments should comply with the requirement m4(3)(2)(a) category of the Building Regulations regarding wheelchair adaptable dwellings.

26           Details of the surfacing of the PROW to be submitted and approved.

27           Compliance with the Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Impact Assessment

28           Details of the construction of the highway within the root protection area of T3 to be submitted and approved.  Hand dig construction only.


In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issues, the Head of Planning had delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Southern Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.


If the application is subject to an appeal approval is given to enter into a S106 Agreement with the following Heads of Terms:






£71,484.02 (primary education)

£49,159.29 (secondary education)

Primary – full amount prior to first occupation

Secondary – full amount prior to first occupation of 6th dwelling

Outdoor Sport

Contribution of £13,000

Full amount prior to first occupation

Offside Open Space

Contribution of £39,000

Full amount prior to first occupation of the 6th dwelling

Open Space

Scheme of Management

Scheme of Management to be secured and agreed with the LPA



Supporting documents: