Agenda item

Annual Complaints and Compliments Report 2023-24

To receive an update on complaints, compliments and customer contact for 2023-24.


The committee considered the Annual Complaints and Compliments report for 2023-24. The committee noted that as services were changed to reflect changes in operating costs, complaints were expected to rise but agreed that it was important that any complaint was dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.


The committee asked for consideration to be given to reducing the 20-working day response time for SEND complaints. It was noted that this had increased for various reasons (capacity issues, increased number of complaints and complexity of cases) however the feedback from the committee would be shared with the relevant Head of Service for consideration.


The report identified an increase of 4% in complaints for waste and recycling.  The committee requested a breakdown of this for general waste, recycling, and food waste. Officers committed to providing a written response.




That the Audit and Governance Committee


1.    Note the Committee complaints and compliments data, and the briefing material in this report relating to 2023/24.

2.    Note the issues raised and improvements made in respect to the management of complaints across the Council contained within the briefing material in this report.

3.    Note the Council’s compliance with the Corporate Complaints and with the recommendations of the Ombudsman.

Supporting documents: