Agenda item

Revised Dedicated Schools Grant Management Plan 2024/25 to 2030/31 following the Department of Education Safety Valve Intervention Programme

To receive a report on the Safety Valve intervention programme and the impact on the Dedicated Schools Grant management plan.


The committee considered the report which provided members with an overview of the challenges in relation to the dedicated schools grant (DSG) in Cheshire East and an overview of the fundamental changes required to achieve an in-year balance on the high needs block of the DSG following work under the Department for Education’s Safety Valve intervention programme.


The following queries were raised to which officers undertook to provide written responses:


  • What input has the Chair had, or will have, in the strategic DSG Management Plan Board
  • What are the conditions of the grant
  • Why the figures at paragraph 14 on page 34 appeared not to correlate with figures in the quarter 3 scorecard on page 140 of the agenda pack in relation to EHCPs
  • Whether there had been any reduction in the post-16 provision allowed for in the forecast on page 40 of the agenda pack
  • Whether the Department for Education had set a limit to the amount the override could reach
  • What percentage of schools were using the SEND toolkit
  • What data supported the statement that high placement costs and high travel costs were not improving outcomes for children and young people
  • Why there were high levels of Education, Health and Care needs assessment requests at transition points
  • How frequently checks were undertaken on education that does not take place within schools
  • Whether health colleagues were involved in commissioning speech and language therapy services

·       Regarding future provision, was it correct that any new schools would be sponsored by a multi academy trust which could set its own rate

The recommendations as set out in the report included the committee receiving regular updates regarding the progress of the plan at least three times a year, however some members felt that the committee should have more oversight.


The following amendment to recommendation 5 was moved and seconded and a vote was carried out:


‘To receive monthly, in-person meetings of this committee to ensure we deliver our role in oversight to ensure that steps are being taken to address the SEND overspend.’


This amendment was declared lost.


A further amendment was proposed and seconded which sought to amend recommendation 5 to:


‘Agree to receive regular updates regarding the progress of this plan at least monthly via Microsoft Teams or in committee meetings.’


The amendment was carried by majority and became part of the substantive proposition.


RESOLVED (by majority):


That the Children and Families Committee:


1. Approve the revised DSG Management plan for 2024/25 to 2030/31 including the interventions to achieve the mitigated position, which demonstrates:


a. an in year balanced position


b. forecasts a deficit reserve position of £1.2 billion unmitigated and £285 million mitigated by the end of March 2031


2. Note the decision of the Secretary of States to not enter into a Safety Valve agreement at this time


3. Note the Chief Executive, Executive Director of Children’s Services and the Section 151 Officer will continue to work with the DfE and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) with the aim of finding an appropriate solution


4. Delegate to the Executive Director of Children’s Services authority to undertake any consultations deemed necessary to facilitate implementation


5. Agree to receive regular updated regarding the progress of this plan at least monthly via Microsoft Teams or in committee meetings


Supporting documents: