To consider the above planning application.
Consideration was given to the above planning application.
The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:
Ward Councillor: Councillor Rod Fletcher – Ward Councillor Rod Fletcher was unable to attend but provided a short statement which was read out by Sam Jones.
Agent / Applicant: Gary Morris
For the reasons set out in the report, and the update report, the application be APPROVED as recommended, subject to the following conditions:
1. Approved Plans – AS AMENDED
2. Proposed land levels to be in accordance with the approved plans – AS AMENDED
3. Surface water run-off details to be submitted and approved
4. A scheme to manage the risk of flooding from overland flow of surface water to be submitted and approved.
5. The construction of the petrol filling station hereby permitted shall not be commenced until such time as a scheme to install underground tanks associated with the petrol filling station has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The scheme shall include the full structural details of the installation, including details of: excavation, the tanks, tank surround, associated pipework and monitoring system. The scheme shall be fully implemented and subsequently maintained, in accordance with the scheme, or any changes as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the local planning authority.
6. A scheme to dispose of surface water to be submitted and approved.
7. Unexpected contaminated land
8. Contaminated Land compliance with the details submitted as part of application 16/0454D. Site completion report to confirm validation works to be submitted.
9. Construction hours, and associated construction deliveries to the site, shall be restricted to 08.00 to 18.00hrs Monday to Friday and 09.00 to 14.00hrs on Saturdays. There shall be no working on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
10.All piling operations shall be restricted to: Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:30 hrs, Saturday 09:00 – 13:00 hrs, Sunday and Public Holidays Nil
11.Construction Management Plan compliance with the details approved as part of application 16/1305D.
12.External Lighting Details
13.Hours of Deliveries to the Store to be submitted and agreed.
14.Details of Fixed Plant and Equipment to be submitted and agreed.
15.Scheme of security barriers/CCTV for the proposed car park to be submitted and agreed.
16.Materials as application
17.Breeding birds – timing of works
18.Nesting Bird Mitigation Measures
19. The proposed development shall proceed in accordance with the General Avoidance and Mitigation Measures detailed in paragraph 4.1.12 of the submitted Survey Report prepared by Ground Control dated March 2024. If development has not commenced by the 12th October 2024 an updated survey for other protected species and any revised mitigation and compensation measures required to be submitted to the LPA prior to commencement
20. Boundary Treatment Details including details of all retaining structures
21.Tree/Hedgerow protection measures in compliance with the details approved as part of 16/2762D.
22.Arboricultural Method Statement compliance with the details approved as part of 16/2762D.
23.Submission of a revised landscaping plan and implementation of the approved landscape proposals.
24.Cycle parking to be submitted and approved.
25. The net sales area shall be limited to 2,322sqm of which a maximum of 348sqm shall be for the display of comparison goods
26. Prior to first use all access roads and car parking will be constructed and formally marked out.
27. Travel Plan details to be submitted and approved.
28. Details of the culvert works to be submitted to the LPA for approval in writing
29. Minor structures details to be submitted and approved.
30. Solar panels to be provided prior to the store first opening
31. Prior to the store first being brought into use a scheme for the control and management of the car park; with a maximum 2-hour stay permitted shall be submitted and approved.
And the additional condition:
32. Construction traffic to be accessed via Linley Lane only.
And subject to completion of a Section 106 Agreement with the following Heads of Terms to replace the S106 Agreement completed as part of application 13/4121C:
S106 |
Amount |
Triggers |
Bus Service Contribution
£100,000 |
The full sum should be paid prior to the commencement of the above ground works of the store building. If the above ground works have commenced on the date the decision is issued, the sum shall be paid within 1 calendar month of the date of decision. |
Linley Lane/B5077 junction improvement works and Linley Lane footway widening works
£300,000 |
The full sum should be paid prior to the commencement of the above ground works of the store building. If the above ground works have commenced on the date the decision is issued, the sum shall be paid within 1 calendar month of the date of decision. |
Local Highway Works |
£100,000 |
The full sum should be paid prior to the commencement of the above ground works of the store building. If the above ground works have commenced on the date the decision is issued, the sum shall be paid within 1 calendar month of the date of decision. |
Should this application be the subject of an appeal, authority be delegated to enter into a S106 Agreement with the following Heads of Terms to replace the S106 Agreement completed as part of application 13/4121C:
S106 |
Amount |
Triggers |
Bus Service Contribution
£100,000 |
The full sum should be paid prior to the commencement of the above ground works of the store building. If the above ground works have commenced on the date the decision is issued, the sum shall be paid within 1 calendar month of the date of decision. |
Linley Lane/B5077 junction improvement works and Linley Lane footway widening works
£300,000 |
The full sum should be paid prior to the commencement of the above ground works of the store building. If the above ground works have commenced on the date the decision is issued, the sum shall be paid within 1 calendar month of the date of decision. |
Local Highway Works |
£100,000 |
The full sum should be paid prior to the commencement of the above ground works of the store building. If the above ground works have commenced on the date the decision is issued, the sum shall be paid within 1 calendar month of the date of decision. |
In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Planning has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Board, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.
Supporting documents: