Agenda item

Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 - Part III, Section 53, Application No. MA/5/256: Application for the Addition of a Public Footpath from the east end of existing Public Footpath No. 6 near Toft Church to join Public Footpath No. 4 in Windmill Wood in the Parish of Toft

To consider an application to amend the Definitive Map and Statement.


The committee considered the report which detailed an investigation made by Mr B Chaplin (representing South Knutsford Residents’ Group) to amend the Definitive Map and Statement to add a Public Footpath between existing Public Footpath No. 6 near Toft Church to join existing Public Footpath No. 4 in Windmill Wood. The committee considered the application and evidence as set out within the officer report. It was noted that recommendations set out within the officer report had been supported by local ward members.


The committee agreed that on the balance of probabilities it could be reasonably alleged that public footpath rights subsist.


RESOLVED (by majority):


That the Highways and Transport Committee


1.    Agree that a Definitive Map Modification Order be made under Section 53(3)(c)(i) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 adding a Public Footpath as shown on Plan No. WCA/037.


2.    Agree that public notice of the making of the Order be given and in the event of there being no objections within the period specified, the Order be confirmed in the exercise of the powers conferred on the Council by the said Act.


3.    Note that in the event of objections being received, Cheshire East Borough Council be responsible for the conduct of any hearing or Public Inquiry.

Supporting documents: