To consider a report on the A500 Dualling Scheme.
The committee considered the report which set out proposals to update the Outline Business Case for the A500 Dualling Scheme in response to the government’s cancellation of HS2.
Cllr Janet Clowes addressed the committee as a visiting member and raised a number of questions in relation to S106 monies, active travel, rural communities, risk management and spending obligations. Officers committed to providing a written response.
The committee noted that the scheme was still considered financially viable and was included in the approved MTFS. Members queried the % used to calculate future inflation. Officers committed to providing a written response but confirmed that this % had been calculated in line with national predictions. It was noted that an updated Outline Business Case would be added onto the Work Programme in approx. 18months time for the committee to consider.
RESOLVED (by majority):
That the Highways and Transport Committee
1. Authorise the Director of Highways and Infrastructure to:
a. Take all steps necessary to prepare an Updated Outline Business Case for a redefined A500 Scheme to produce a fundable scheme to be brought to a future meeting of the committee for approval for submission to the Department for Transport. (Appendix 2 is a non-exhaustive list of the types of work that will be required)
b. Appoint a contractor through the SCAPE Framework to provide a scheme design and delivery feasibility report for any new elements of the updated scheme and to continue to develop those elements of the original scheme that remain.
2. Authorise the Head of Estates to:
a. Where land negotiations for the full A500 Dualling scheme are advanced, to continue to seek to acquire the land and rights required, by agreement, to support the delivery of the updated scheme objectives and so that the full scheme could be implemented at a future time, should funding be made available, and to instruct the Director of Governance and Compliance to negotiate and enter into any agreement necessary to complete such acquisitions.
b. Recommend that Full Council approve a Supplementary Capital Estimate for £2.435m, to a new capital scheme in the MTFS titled ‘A500 Corridor OBC Update’ that is fully funded by the DfT to provide funding for the preparation of the Outline Business Case Update for a revised scheme. This forms a change to the MTFS approved at Council on 27 February 2024.
c. Recommend to the Chair of the Finance Sub Committee and the S.151 Officer that expenditure be approved from the existing A500 scheme budget on the following:
i. Completion of the purchase of land, by agreement, that will also be necessary for any redefined scheme, or to support the future implementation of the full dualling, should funds become available.
ii. Costs of “mothballing” the existing A500 scheme in terms of meeting existing commitments, finishing pieces of work, paying outstanding fees, etc
which is estimated at up to £2m (£1m in 2024/25 and £1m in 2025/26) and is included in the MTFS approved by Council on 27 February 2024 as a scheme requiring further approval before further expenditure.
3. Authorise the Director of Governance and Compliance to:
a. Withdraw :
i. the sealed and made Compulsory Purchase Order known as “The Cheshire East Council (A500 Dualling Meremoor Moss Roundabout to M6 Junction 16) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023” and,
ii. (b)the sealed and made Side Roads Order known as “The Cheshire East Council (A500 Dualling Meremoor Moss Roundabout to M6 Junction 16) (Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2023”.
both made on 4 July 2023.
b. Undertake all necessary and appropriate notification processes to inform all affected landowners (as named in the schedule to the CPO and as notified of the SRO), Statutory Undertakers and the National Casework Team at the Department for Transport of the formal withdrawal of the Orders.
Supporting documents: