To consider a report on the implementation of weekly food waste collections and the proposal to move to a three-weekly collection frequency for residual waste.
The committee considered the report which detailed the progress in bringing forward a Libraries Strategy, the need for which was established following the public consultation undertaken in support of the Libraries Service Review in 2023 and as part of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024-28. The report also outlined the next steps in developing the strategy, including seeking permission to move forward with a public consultation on the current draft proposals.
Cllr Liz Braithwaite attended to speak as a visiting member and asked whether library user information by postcode had been provided to Town and Parish Councils as part of any dialogue on funding. Officers responded that this this information was held and had been provided where requested.
Cllr Ken Edwards attended to speak as a visiting member and asked the committee to consider recommending that 1.5 days would be the basic minimum provision and to consider a partnership arrangement with Town Councils which matched a community contribution hour for hour.
A query was raised as to the allocation of 1.5 days for tier 3 sites and what that would equate to in staff hours. Officers advised that current staff levels would be continued across the 1.5 days and that this information had been provided to Town Councils to inform their deliberations on topping up and could be shared with the committee in writing following the meeting.
A further query was raised as to usage figures for evenings and Saturdays. Officers undertook to provide this information in a written response.
During the debate, some members expressed concerns including that the projected figures as set out in the report were not sufficient to meet the required savings target, there needed to be more work on assessing usage and that the current proposals lacked detail.
Some members highlighted that the recommendations were only to consult at this stage and the intention was to focus on directing Council resources. It was hoped that this would be an opportunity to engage with residents to find solutions.
An amendment was moved and seconded which sought to change recommendation 2, as set out in the report, to read:
a. Resident’s views on the Libraries Strategy contained within Appendix A of this report and
b. Expressions of interest from all relevant stakeholders relating to the future operation of the proposed tier 3 community managed library sites
This was carried by majority and became part of the substantive motion.
RESOLVED (by majority):
That the Environment and Communities Committee:
1. Approve the draft objectives of the Libraries Strategy (2024 – 2028)
2. Delegate authority to the Interim Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Chair, Vice-Chair and Opposition Spokesperson, to take all necessary steps to undertake a public consultation and associated engagement to establish:
a. Resident’s views on the Libraries Strategy contained within Appendix A of this report and
b. Expressions of interest from all relevant stakeholders relating to the future operation of the proposed tier 3 community managed library sites
3. Note that a clear recommendation on implementation of the Strategy, informed by the outcome of the public consultation and engagement with communities, will be brought back to Committee at a future date
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