Agenda item

23/3619M - Heatherley Woods, Alderley Park, NETHER ALDERLEY, MACCLESFIELD, CHESHIRE, SK10 4TG

To consider the above planning application.


Consideration was given to the above planning application. The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:


Ward Councillor: Councillor Anthony Harrison

Parish Councillor: Councillor Lesley Gleave, Nether Alderley Parish Council 

Adjacent Member: Councillor Craig Browne, Alderley Edge Ward

Objectors: Dave Clarke, Marcus Raphael, Nicki Juniper, Susan Clarke, Roger Stephenson, Sean Smith 

Supporters: Jeremy Banks

Agent / Applicant: Gary Halman



For the reasons set out in the report, the application be APPROVED as recommended, subject to the following conditions:

1.    Standard 3 year consent

2.    Approved Plans

3.    Materials

4.    Full hard and soft landscape details –planting plans and specifications, specifications for planting and guying the semi-mature trees and details for an irrigation system, all furniture & include boundary treatment

5.    Implementation of landscaping and 5 year replacement

6.    Details for the new bridge  - decking, parapet and abutment facing materials

7.    A Landscape & Ecology Management Plan including tree belt for a minimum 30-year period. (in accordance with BNG).

8.    Submission of a scheme for the protection of the retained trees, and an arboricultural method statement

9.    Submission of a detailed Construction Specification / Method Statement for the proposed secondary access and associated bridge in accordance with the Heads of Terms identified in the submitted AIA

10. Existing and proposed levels, contours and cross sections, including sections through the site boundaries and woodland edges.

11. Submission of a detailed strategy / design,  ground investigation, and associated management / maintenance plan for the drainage of the site

12. Separate drainage systems for foul and surface water

13. Electrical vehicle infrastructure

14. Approval of noise mitigation

15. Approval of a contaminated land remediation strategy

16. Contaminated land verification report

17. Soil tests for contamination

18. Measures to deal with unexpected contamination

19. Full details of existing and proposed levels and contours

20. Submission and implementation of a Construction Environmental Management Plan, which includes measures to safeguard the adjacent woodland/LWS from noise, dust, lighting during the construction phase.

21. Implementation of Great Crested Newt Reasonable Avoidance Measures.

22. Safeguarding of Nesting Birds

23. Implementation of lighting in accordance with the submitted strategy.

24. Submission and implementation of habitat creation method statement and 30 year monitoring and management plan.

25. Incorporation of features to increase the biodiversity value of the development (Bat and bird boxes etc.).


And the additional conditions:


26.  Covered cycle parking

27.  Travel plan

28.  Minimum renewable energy provision of 10%


And a Section 106 Agreement is required to secure the following:


Section 106



Alderley Park




Agreed mechanism to be

agreed with the LPA in

line with previous agreements

Prior to the


of development

Offsite affordable



Equivalent to 30%

provision at £3.154m

£1m Prior to the

Commencement of the


£1m Prior to occupation

of the apartments

£1.154m on Occupation of

80% of the Extra Care


Extra Care Use



Definition to be agreed in

writing by the LPA

Prior to the

commencement of


Offsite woodland



Works to be agreed in

writing with the LPA

Prior to the

commencement of


Valet Parking


To be agreed by the LPA

Prior to the

commencement of



In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Planning has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.

Supporting documents: