Agenda item

MTFS 91 Green Spaces Maintenance Review - Final Recommendations

To consider a report seeking approval to implement the final recommendations of the green spaces review, informed by public consultation feedback.


The committee considered the report on the Cheshire East Green Spaces Maintenance Review.


Councillor Cook attended as a visiting ward member to support the statements made by residents of the Grange Way estate in Sandbach. Councillor Cook supported the view that there were errors within the report and had provided supporting documentation within her consultation response.


Members asked for assurance that there was no legal obligation to maintain areas of green space. The Legal Officers present confirmed that they were not aware of any statutory duty other than highways maintenance and that due diligence on the status of these plots of land hence the Councils obligation to maintain them had been ongoing for a period of 2-3 years. The policy being considered was not related to maintenance of adopted highway land which is a function overseen by the Highways and Transport Committee. The policy under consideration deals with maintenance standards to areas such as parks, gardens, playing fields, play areas and ancillary green spaces.

Officers further confirmed that the sites in question on the Grange Way estate are registered as being owned by third parties, not Cheshire East Council.


Following the issues raised by members of the public at the meeting regarding whether land  at the Grange Way Estate in Sandbach was adopted as public highway, the following amendment was proposed and seconded. This was carried unanimously.


-          To remove the affected Category 3 plots on the Grange Way Estate, Sandbach Elworth from the scope of the Green Spaces Maintenance Policy whilst further due diligence is undertaken.

-          To continue any maintenance activities required post 1st April 2024 relative to other similar sites not owned by the Council (included at Schedule 2) Typology D Urban Open Spaces, Low Amenity

-          To recommend to Highways and Transport Committee to consider the continued maintenance of these sites at a future meeting, following the conclusion of the required due diligence.


RESOLVED (by majority):


That the Environment and Communities Committee:


1.    Note the progress made to date in implementing the Green Spaces

Maintenance Review included as a specific proposal within the Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2023-27 as approved at Council on 22 February 2023, including the feedback from the recent public consultation exercise


2.    Approve the final details of the proposed Green Spaces Maintenance Policy and associated schedules contained at Appendices A, B and C and their implementation as of 1st April 2024


3.    Delegate authority to the Interim Director Environment and Neighbourhoods to take all necessary steps to:


a. implement the Green Spaces Maintenance Policy;

b. make all consequent changes to service provision and;

c. make technical amendments to the implementation of the Green Spaces Maintenance Policy, specifically for those sites contained within the site schedule at Appendix B, as required and to update the Committee on any significant changes at a future meeting


4.    Note the proposal to bring back to future Committee meeting(s) further

updates on the continued due diligence around ownership for those sites not registered in Cheshire East Council’s ownership, as contained in Category 2 within Appendix C. Where appropriate these reports will seek approvals related to future maintenance proposals for these Category 2 sites, in line with the Policy


5.    Delegate authority to the Head of Environmental Services to enter into agreements with third parties relating to the ongoing and/or enhanced maintenance of green spaces outside that undertaken by Cheshire East Council, as per that application process set out at Appendix F


6.    With regard to the Grange Way Estate in Elworth, Sandbach:


a)    To remove the affected Category 3 plots on the Grange Way Estate, Sandbach Elworth from the scope of the Green Spaces Maintenance Policy whilst further due diligence is undertaken

b)    To continue any maintenance activities required post 1st April 2024 relative to other similar sites not owned by the Council (included at Schedule 2) Typology D Urban Open Spaces, Low Amenity

c)    To recommend to Highways and Transport Committee to consider the continued maintenance of these sites at a future meeting, following the conclusion of the required due diligence


Supporting documents: