To consider the above planning application.
Consideration was given to the above planning application.
The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:
Rostherne Parish Councillor Dom Fenton, Mr Bill Dixon (objector), Mr Terry Hayward (supporter) and Ms Sarah Dunning (applicant). A statement was read out on behalf of Councillor Tony Dean (neighbouring ward councillor).
For the reasons set out in the report and update report, the application be APPROVED as recommended, subject, referral to the Secretary of State, a S106 agreement to secure:
• Local Employment Agreement – Construction
• Local Employment Agreement – Operation
• Apprenticeships Plan – Construction Phase
• Apprenticeships Plan – End-user Phase
• Local Procurement Agreement – Construction
• Local Procurement Agreement – Operation
and the following conditions:
1. Time period – 3 years
2. Development to be carried out in accordance with approved plans
3. Details of materials to be submitted
4. Sample panel of brickwork to be submitted
5. Details of all windows and doors of farmhouse, eastern and western barn to be submitted
6. Detailed repair schedule for works to the farmhouse and eastern barn to be submitted
7. Timetable for the construction of the cycle store (western barn) to be submitted
8. Methodology/strategy for the dismantling of the western barn and for the re-use of the salvaged brick work within the new cycle store to be submitted
9. Lighting scheme to be submitted
10.Updated badger survey prior to commencement.
11.Safeguarding of nesting birds – details to be submitted
12.Submission and implementation of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) informed by the recommendations of the ES ecology chapter.
13.Submission and implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain measures and 30 years (habitat) management informed by the submitted biodiversity metric.
14.Incorporation of ecological features (Bat and bird boxes etc.)
15.Scheme to install underground tanks to be submitted
16.Scheme to dispose of surface water to be submitted
17.Sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan to be submitted
18.plan for the lifetime of the development
19.Retention of existing trees
20.Tree protection and special construction measures to be submitted / implemented
21.Arboricultural method statement to be submitted
22.Landscaping scheme to be submitted
23.Landscaping implementation
24.Boundary treatment details to be submitted
25.Details of earthworks, including proposed grading and mounding of land to be submitted
26.Landscape management plan to be submitted
27.Full design and construction details of highway improvement works to be submitted
28.Installation of fence along the boundary of the application site alongside the M56 and associated slip road
29.No drainage from the proposed development shall connect into the motorway drainage system / or run-off onto M56 motorway
30.Construction Management Plan to be submitted (highways)
31.Implementation of highway improvement works and works to Yarwood Heath Lane
32.Submission of updated travel plan
33.Provision of car and cycle parking
34.SuDS design details to be submitted (aircraft safety)
35.Bird Hazard Management Plan to be submitted (aircraft safety)
36.All exterior lighting capped at the horizontal with no upward light spill.
37.No reflective materials other than clear or obscure glass shall be added to the buildings
38.Glint and glare assessment for proposed solar panels – no additional solar panels to be installed
39.Method statements to be submitted in advance of any development in HS2 safeguarding areas
40.Retail floorspace to be restricted (extent of floorspace and comparison goods)
41.Submission of Construction Environment Management Plan (noise, disturbance, etc.)
42.Implementation of noise mitigation measures (including glazing specification for hotel)
43.Details of phasing of EV charging points to be submitted
44.Energy Strategy to be submitted
45.Phase II ground investigation report (and remediation strategy if required) to be submitted
46.Verification report in accordance with the approved Remediation Strategy to be submitted
47.Imported soil to be tested for contamination
48.Actions in event of unidentified contamination being found
49.Written scheme of investigation (archaeology) to be submitted and implemented
50.Detail of Tourist Information Area to be submitted
In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Planning has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Board, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.
Councillor Kolker requested that the Minutes of the meeting record that he voted against the proposal to approve the application.
Supporting documents: