To consider the attached report.
Consideration was given to the update report in relation to the Section 106 Agreement for the above planning application which was approved by the Strategic Planning Board on 13 January 2023.
That for the reasons set out in the report and update report the Strategic Planning Board;
1. Submission of Reserved Matters- 15 years
2. Approval of Reserved Matters- All reserved
3. Approved Plans – Location and parameter plans
4. Approve Accommodation Schedule
5. Compliance with mitigation set out in Environmental Statement (and Amendment)
6. No occupation until IPIW approved in Full are substantially complete
7. Approval of Phasing Plans
8. Development to comply with housing densities identified in the Fixed Parameters Land Use Plan
9. Compliance with Public Rights of Way and 20-Year Walking Route Code
10. Approval of signage for pedestrians and cyclists, to include timings
11. Programme of archaeological work to be agreed
12. No works on the main development site to take place within 100m of the Diary House Farm (Listed Building) site prior to the completion of the stabilisation/repair works
13. Future development of the designs for the site, coding and development going forward, must adhere to the Heritage Design principles and Fixed Parameters: Heritage Plan
14. All Reserved Matters application to be supported by an Arboricultural Impact Assessment
15. Management plan for works for trees identified as being or having the potential to be a veteran tree
16. Landscaping for each phase to be approved
17. Boundary treatment for each phase to be approved
18. Levels/contours
19. Landscape implementation
20. Submission of Habitat Creation and Landscape and Habitat Management Plan for areas within building parcels and outside of strategic green infrastructure
21. Submission of detailed designs including proposed locations for the proposed on-site wildlife ponds.
22. Measures for safeguarding the retained ecological habitats across the site during the construction and demolition process (if not deleted)
23. Bird Nesting Season
24. Provision of proposals for the interpretation of the retained Local Wildlife Site
25. Updated protected species surveys and mitigation method statements and biodiversity metrix calculations prior to commencement for each phase.
26. Method Statement of Amphibian Reasonable Avoidance Measures for that approved phase
27. Approval of Lighting Scheme for each phase
28. Detailed proposals of compensatory hedgerow planting to be provided to address impacts of any hedgerow lost to the scheme.
29. Proposals for the management of public access into the retained Local Wildlife Site
30. Agreement of scheme entered into Great Crested District Level Licence Scheme
31. Incorporation of features to enhance biodiversity
32. Phase II Ground Investigations and Risk Assessments for each phase
33. Verification Report required for each phase
34. Approval of a proposal for restricted access from footpaths in the open space and ecological areas along the western boundary with the A34
35. Soils shall be pre-tested for contamination and verified for suitability for use
36. Unexpected contamination
37. No infiltration of surface water drainage into the ground where adverse concentrations of land contamination are known or suspected
38. Compliance with FRA
39. Site wide Surface Water Drainage Scheme to be approved
40. For each phase- SUDS Drainage Management Plan to be approved
41. Foul and surface water shall be drained on separate systems.
42. Park & Ride provision before occupation of 150 dwelling houses
43. Provision of bus service between Handforth & Wilmslow
44. Access Strategy for Dairy House Lane to be agreed
45. The submitted Travel Plan Framework, which is hereby approved, shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted timetable
46. Ultra-Low Emission Boilers for each phase
47. Electric Vehicle Infrastructure plan for each phase
48. Covered and secure space/s for cycles, where appropriate throughout the development
49. Noise insulation measures to achieve BS 8233
50. Approval required for any plant/equipment on premises
51. Approval of opening hours for all commercial, industrial, and retail premises.
52. Approval of external lighting
53. Approval of kitchen extraction equipment
54. Demonstrate compliance with Nationally Described Space Standards
55. Character Area Design Codes to be approved for each phase
56. Code Compliance Statements shall accompany all reserved matters applications
57. Manchester Airport – Aerodrome Safeguarding – reflective surfaces
58. Manchester Airport – Aerodrome Safeguarding - Wildlife Hazard Management Plan for each phase
59. Dust and smoke control measures
60. Approval of external materials/finishes
61. Approval of Sustainable Waste Management Strategy for each phase
62. Removal of PD Rights
63. Approval of CEMP for each phase.
64. Approval of Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)
65. S106 obligations- Council land
66. S106 Obligations- land in other ownership
67. Details required to limit traffic speeds in outline areas to 20mph
68. EA Condition – Unexpected contamination
69. EA Condition – No piling or penetrative foundations without express consent
70. EA Condition – Infiltration of surface water
71. EA Condition – Verification report
1. Three year time limit
2. Approved Plans
3. Compliance with mitigation measures set out in the Environmental Statement
4. Approval of Phasing Plan for the development of the Initial Primary Works
5. Approval of detailed scheme for any works to the track/public right of way(FP127) where it links between the new bridge over the A34 (to the east) and Hall Road (to
the west)
6. Tree protection in vicinity of Bridge
7. Submission of Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan for the Handforth Dean Meadow and Ponds Local Wildlife Site to put site under management at the time of the initial site infrastructure works
8. Submission of detailed design for wildlife underpasses
9. Approval of CEMP for IPIW
10. Details of replacement wildlife ponds
11. Amphibian avoidance measures if needed
12. Agreement of scheme entered into Great Crested District Level Licence Scheme
13. Updated protected species surveys and mitigation method statements and biodiversity metrix calculations prior to commencement for each phase.
14. Bird Nesting Season
15. Approval of Lighting Scheme for each phase
16. Detailed proposals of compensatory hedgerow planting to be provided to address impacts of any hedgerow lost to the scheme.
17. Remediation Options and Strategy/None
18. Soils shall be pre-tested for contamination and verified for suitability for use
19. Notwithstanding the submitted plans levels for the Country Park to be agreed together with landscaping of the same
20. Notwithstanding the submitted plans landscaping details of the A34 Bridge and details/finishes of the bridge design"
21. Detailed Landscape and Planting Scheme to be agreed
22. Boundary treatments
23. Programme of archaeological work to be agreed
24. Remediation Options and Strategy
25. Management of bore holes
26. Verification Report required
27. No works on the main development site to take place within 100m of the Diary House Farm (Listed Building) site prior to the completion of the stabilisation/repair works
28. Scheme for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) of the IPIW area/full approval,
29. Levels as approved unless otherwise agreed
30. Foul and surface water shall be drained on separate systems.
31. Manchester Airport – Aerodrome Safeguarding – reflective surfaces
32. Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
33. Dust and smoke control measures
34. S106 Obligations -Council owned land
35. Notwithstanding road designs- measures to be designed to limit speeds to 20mph
S106 |
Amount |
Trigger |
Submission of Strategic Green Infrastructure Strategy
Commencement of development |
Submission of Strategic Green Infrastructure and common areas Interim management and Maintenance plans
Commencement of development |
Submission of Community management and maintenance plan for common areas and strategic green infrastructure |
Prior to commencement of development outside of the strategic green infrastructure and initial preparation and infrastructure works
Strategic green and common areas outside of or not attached to building parcels
Provision of - Prior to the commencement of development outside of the strategic green infrastructure and initial preparation and infrastructure works
transfer to management body – prior to occupation of the development
Strategic green and common areas attached to or part of phased building parcels
Provision of - On a phased basis occupation of 50% units in the phase
transfer to management body and maintenance in perpetuity- On a phased basis occupation of 75% of the units in the phase
Transfer to management body and maintenance in perpetuity of the Handforth Dean Meadow and Ponds Local Wildlife Site
prior to occupation of the development |
Ecological areas that form part of the phased building parcels
Provision of- On a phased basis occupation of 50% units in the phase
transfer to management body and maintenance in perpetuity - on a phased basis, occupation of 75% of the units in the phase
Off-site ecological mitigation |
£5,943,664 |
Lump sum prior to commencement and then annual maintenance sum
Education (primary/secondary/SEN) |
£14,661,362 |
50% prior to Commencement of a unit then 50% Prior to occupation of 300th unit
Education -provision of school site |
Prior to commencement of Dwellings
Village Hall/village centre/ employment uses-provision of and transfer to management body
Prior to disposal of 1000th unit |
Affordable Housing
30% |
Prior to sale or let of 50% market houses
Highway improvement works
£5,047,000 |
Prior to occupation of 300 units |
Highways - Hall Moss Lane |
£387,522 |
Prior to commencement of development
Highways – Poynton bypass
£4,661,192 |
Occupation of the 150th unit |
Highways - Pathways and cycleways
£500,000 |
Commencement of development |
Highways – Travel plan monitoring
£10,000 |
Commencement of development |
Public Open Space in housing areas
Provision of - Occupation of 50% of the units in the phase
Transfer to management body and maintenance in perpetuity - Occupation of 75% of the units in the phase
Allotments/Community Orchard- Provision and transfer to management body
Prior to disposal of 1000th unit |
Indoor and outdoor sports facilities |
£1,719,987 |
50% prior to occupation of any Units and 50% prior to occupation of 750th unit
Healthcare - Handforth |
£1,530,015 |
Prior to occupation of any units
4. In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Planning has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Board, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.
Supporting documents: