Consideration was given to the above
(Councillor J Parry, the Ward
Councillor and Andy McLaren, the agent for
the applicant attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the
That for the reasons set out in
the report and in the verbal update to the Board the application be
delegated to Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair of the
Strategic Planning Board to approve subject to resolution of the
outstanding issues relating to the impact upon the SSSI and SP
Energy and subject to the following conditions:-
- Approved
- Remove Permitted
Development Rights – roof alterations/dormers plots 280, 281,
289 and 290
- Obscure glazing side
windows – plots 265, 270 and 271
- Obscure glazing rear
rooflights – plots 280, 281, 289 and 290
- Submission and
implementation of Measures to safeguard retained ponds and marshy
grassland during the construction process.
- Submission and
implementation of a 30-year habitat management plan.
- Implementation of
measures recommend in the submitted ‘Invertebrate and
Hedgehog Mitigation Scheme’ version 1.1.
- Parking areas in
areas where water will be directed to retained ponds should be
constructed from permeable paving.
- Prior to the
commencement of development the consented development is to be
entered into Natural England’s District Licensing Scheme for
Great Crested Newts.
- Updated badger survey
to be undertaken and submitted prior to commencement of
development. If any evidence of badgers is recorded the submitted
report to include mitigation and compensation measures
- Entry into Natural
England’s District Level licensing scheme.
- Ecological mitigation
features are to be provided on site as detailed on submitted layout
plan. Where features are associated with a dwelling these are to be
installed prior to first occupation of that dwelling. All
features to be permanently retained.
- Replacement ponds on
site are to be provided in accordance with submitted
- Measures to safeguard
the hydrology of the retained ponds to be implemented in accordance
with the recommendations of the submitted Pond Hydrology
- External
- Implementation of the
proposed landscaping
- Notwithstanding the
approved plans – materials to be submitted and
- Notwithstanding the
approved plans – Boundary Treatment to be submitted and
- Notwithstanding the
approved plans – Surfacing Details to be submitted and
- Details of the design
of both the LEAP/NEAP and surrounding open space
- Implementation of the
noise mitigation measures within the acoustic report
- Bin/cycle stores for
the proposed apartments and convenience store to be secure and
- Development to be
carried out in compliance with the submitted AMS
- Construction &
Environment Management Plan to include wheelwash and on site
Members also requested that
discussions take place outside of the meeting in respect of the
provision of a crossing on Booth Lane.
In the event of any changes
being needed to the wording of the Board's decision (such as to
delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or
reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued,
the Head of Planning has delegated authority to do so in
consultation with the Chair of the Strategic Planning Board (or
Vice Chair in their absence) provided that the changes do not
exceed the substantive nature of the Board's decision.
(Prior to consideration of the
following item, the meeting was adjourned for a short