Agenda item

Application for a new Premises Licence-Suburban Green, 88-90 Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6DU

To consider the above application.


The Sub-Committee considered a report regarding the application for a new Premise Licence, under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of, Suburban Green, 88-90 Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6DU together with objections and support.


The following attending the hearing and made representations with respect to the application:


Two Premises Directors;

A solicitor representing the Directors; and

The Local Ward Council making relevant representation.


After a full hearing of the application and in accordance with the rules of

procedure, the Chairman of the Sub-Committee reported that after taking

account of:


·         The Secretary of State’s Guidance under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003;

·         Cheshire East Borough Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy;

·         the four licensing objectives (namely the prevention of crime and disorder,  public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm) and the steps appropriate to promote them; and

·         All the evidence, including the oral representations made at the meeting and the written representations of interested parties.


The following course of action had been agreed:




That the application for a new Premises Licence be GRANTED as outlined in the application with some modifications:


Hours premises are open to the public:   Sunday/Thursday: 8.00am to 11.00pm

Friday/Saturday: 8.00am to Midnight


Sale of alcohol (on premises):                   Sunday/Thursday: 8.00am to 10.30pm

Friday/Saturday: 8.00am to 11.30pm


Provision of late night refreshment                       Friday/Saturday 11.00pm to Midnight


Additional Conditions

The following conditions shall apply to the Premises Licence at Annex 3:   

  • A CCTV system will be maintained and operated premises with cameras positioned both internally and externally.


  • Recorded CCTV images will be maintained and stored for a period of 28 days and shall be produced to the Police or Licensing Authority upon request.


  • CCTV will be in operation at any time a person is in the premises. Where CCTV is recorded onto a hard drive system, any DVDs subsequently produced will be in a format so it can be played back on a standard PC or DVD player.


  • Any person in charge of the premises must be trained in the use of any such CCTV equipment and be able to produce CCTV images to an officer from a responsible authority upon request.


  • SIA registered door staff shall be employed at the premises, in accordance with a risk assessment, to be carried out by the DPS.


  • When employed, door staff will wear high visibility armbands.When employed, a register of those door staff employed shall be maintained at the premises and shall include:


  • the number of door staff on duty;
  • the identity of each member of door staff;
  • the times the door staff are on duty;


  • Staff will be trained in the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003 and laws relating to underage sales and the sale of alcohol to intoxicated persons and that training shall be documented and repeated at 6 monthly intervals.


  • A refusals book will be maintained at the premises and made available to an officer of a responsible authority upon request.


  • A first-aid box will be available at the premises at all times.


  • Regular safety checks shall be carried out by staff.


  • Management shall liaise with the fire authority as necessary to ensure compliance with all necessary fire regulations.


  • The premises shall maintain an Incident Log and public liability insurance.


  • Noise from amplified music or voices shall not be such as to cause a noise nuisance to occupants or nearby premises.


  • No noise shall emanate from the premises nor vibration be transmitted through the structure of the premises which gives rise to a nuisance.


  • The exterior of the building shall be cleared of litter at regular intervals.


  • Notices will be positioned at the exits to the building requesting customers to leave in a quiet manner.


  • Doors and windows at the premises are to remain closed save for access and egress.


  • A dispersal and smoking policy shall be implemented and adhered to.


  • The emptying of bins into skips and refuse collections will not take place between 7.00pm and 9.00am.


  • No alcohol is to be consumed in any external area to which the patrons have access.


  • A “Challenge 25” policy shall be implemented in full and appropriate identification sought from any person who appears to be under the age of 25. The only acceptable forms of identification shall be photographic driving licences, passports, HM forces cards or a form of identification with the “PASS” hologram.


  • Staff training will include the Challenge 25 Policy and its operation. In particular, staff shall be trained to take such action as necessary to prevent the sale of alcohol to persons over the age of 18 where those customers are engaged in the distribution of alcohol to persons under the age of 18. The training must be given to a new member of staff before they commence employment and all staff must receive refresher training every 6 months.


  • Notices advising what forms of ID are acceptable must be displayed.


  • Notices must be displayed in prominent positions indicating that the Challenge 25 policy is in force.


Supporting documents: