To receive and respond to the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023-27.
The Committee received a report on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2023-2027 and the revenue and capital proposals contained within the MTFS relating to the Committee’s responsibilities. As part of the consultation process the Committee was asked to provide comments and feedback to the Corporate Policy Committee on proposals related to the responsibilities of the committee.
The following comments were raised by Committee:
· Proposal 8 Home First Strategy: Increased Care Home capacity – Members raised concerns around the proposal to maximise the use of block booked beds and the potential impact this would have on relationships with care home providers, sustainability of the care market and carers.
· Proposal 10: Learning Disabilities Future Service Development and Review – Members raised concerns around the ability to achieve the savings associated with this proposal. Reassurance was sought that Cheshire East would not pick up any additional costs as a result of working in partnership with health colleagues on shared Continuing Health Care (CHC) funding.
Councillor Clowes referred to the capital addendum items put forward in 2020 which proposed to use Mountview and Bexton Court for the purpose of delivering extra care with the view of establishing improved facilities to incorporate Stanley House on the ground floor of that new facility. Councillor Clowes requested that those capital addendums, which were previously budgeted for (Addendum items could be released by the portfolio holder and Chief Financial Officer subject to an appropriate business case, demonstrating how the proposals would be funded), were explored as an alternative to the full closure of Stanley House.
It was agreed that a written response would be provided by the Director of Adult Social Care to members in respect of Mountview and Bexton House.
· Proposal 16: Direct Payment – Audit Recoveries – Members felt that the £750k saving associated with this proposal was ambitious and may not be achievable.
It was agreed that a written response would be provided by the Executive Director of Adult, Health, and Integration in respect of the concerns raised by Councillor Clowes that people may not be receiving the right support and guidance on using their direct payments.
· Proposal 20: Building Based Short Breaks – Members raised concerns around the potential closure of buildings and the impact this would have on those being discharged from hospital. Members asked what could be delivered better and what could make the facilities used to their full potential and service their communities better. Councillor Clowes asked if it would be better to reconsider block booked contracts in the context of Learning Disabilities rather than close the facility. It was requested that consideration was given to expanding the role of the Shared Lives initiative.
· Proposal 21: Adults and Health Non-Essential Commissioning/Contracts – Members requested reassurance that the services that would not be renewed would not impact negatively on the organisations that would be relied upon to deliver other elements of the budget proposals.
· Proposal 22: Building Based Day Services – Councillor Clowes requested that this item be incorporated with earlier suggestions regarding Bexton Court and potential capital addendums.
· Proposal 23: Day Care Review – it was suggested that further consideration was given to this proposal to ensure that 1) the savings are not at the expense of further isolating elderly recipients and 2) that carers receive the right support. It was proposed that community hubs are explored further.
1.That the Committee notes:-
1. The year-end forecast outturn position for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.
2. The financial context and proposals contained within the Executive Summary of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (as set out in the MFTS report at Annex C, Section 1).
3. The Revenue Grant Funding as set out in Appendix 4 to the report
4. the Earmarked Reserves, as set out in Appendix 5 to the report
2. The Committee feedback be noted on the proposals within the MTFS, as related to the Committee’s responsibilities, that can support and advise full Council in fulfilling its responsibilities to approve a balanced budget for 2023/23 in the following areas:
1. Revenue Proposals, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report
2. Capital Programme, as detailed in Appendix 3 to the report.
Councillor D Edwardes left the meeting and did not return.
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