To consider the Town Centre Vitality Plans for Alsager, Congleton, Handforth, Knutsford, Middlewich, Nantwich, Poynton, Sandbach and Wilmslow.
The Committee considered the report which sought approval of the Town Centre Vitality Plans for Alsager, Congleton, Handforth, Knutsford, Middlewich, Nantwich, Poynton, Sandbach and Wilmslow.
The Council had commissioned the development of Town Centre Vitality Plans for the Borough’s nine key service centres as identified in the Local Plan. With input from Town Councils, the draft plans had been produced and public consultation subsequently held.
The Town Centre Vitality Plans identified projects and initiatives which could be the subject of focus as and when sources of funding became available. The plans did not committee the Council to funding any initiatives or projects at the present time.
RESOLVED (unanimously): That the Committee
1 approve the Town Centre Vitality Plans, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, endorsing the priorities they identified to be taken forward to support town centre health as and when suitable funding opportunities arise, and resources allow.
2 endorse Town Councils being requested to also approve the plans with a view to establishing a joint set of agreed priorities.
3 where appropriate key relevant census data for 2021, when available, be added to the Town Centre Vitality Plans.
Supporting documents: