Agenda item

21/4136N-Hybrid planning application comprising (i) A full planning application for residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with access, public open space and associated infrastructure; and (ii) An outline planning application (with all matters reserved except for means of access) for up to 700sqm of commercial development (Use Classes E and Sui Generis), Land South of, Newcastle Road & Stock Lane, Shavington for Mathew Tudor Owen, Anwyl Homes

To consider the above application.


Consideration was given to the above application.


(Councillor J Clowes, the Ward Councillor and Richard Barton, the agent for the applicant attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application).




That the application be delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Vice Chair of the Strategic Planning Board to approve subject to the facilitation of a discussion on the location of the ecological mitigation with the two Local Ward Members Parishes Councils to see if other more local sites were available and subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement securing the following:-




Affordable Housing


30% provision to include commuted payment of £11,840


(68% Affordable Rent / 32% Intermediate)



No more than 80% open market occupied prior to affordable provision within each phase.  


Biodiversity Net Gain - Off site Ecological Mitigation


Delivery of offsite habitat creation measures to deliver Biodiversity Net gain



Prior to commencement

Open Space

Management Scheme for POS and landscaped areas


Prior to occupation

Recreation & Outdoor Sports Contribution


£1,000 per family (2+bed) dwelling and £500 per 2+ bed apartment. 

Prior to commencement




Total - £225,269


Secondary £179,769 - towards mitigation measure as local schools are forecast to be cumulatively oversubscribed


SEN £45,500 - Due to significant shortage of SEN placements across the



50% Prior to first occupation

50% at occupation of 50th  dwelling




Total: £81,360


Towards local healthcare  infrastructure/provision



50% Prior to first occupation

50% at occupation of 50th  dwelling



Community Facilities Off- Site Contribution



Total: £40,000


- £20,000 towards St Marks Church Project, Shavington

- £20,000 towards Sally Clarkes Lane    Playing Fields Project, Wybunbury 



Prior to commencement




And subject to the following conditions:-


1. Commencement of development (3 years)

2. Development in accordance with approved plans 

3.  Details of materials and finishes 

4. Submission of landscaping scheme

5. Implementation of landscaping scheme 

6. Design detail, specification and implementation of LEAP    

7. Submission of Landscape Management Plan

8. Details of Boundary treatment

9.  Development in accordance with submitted  Arboricultural Method Statement..

10. Protection of trees in accordance with submitted Arboricultural Method Statement

11. Retention of trees shown as being retained  

     12. Details of lighting – minimise impact on bats

13. Updated badger survey prior to commencement

14. Safeguarding of nesting birds

15. Submission and implementation of a method statement for the eradication of non-native invasive species.

16. Submission and approval off  Ecological Enhancement strategy

17. Submission and approval of 30 year habitat and landscape management plan for on-site habitats

18. Provision of controlled pedestrian crossing on Newcastle Road prior to occupation

19. Provision of visibility splays for site access

20. Noise protection measures to be implemented

21. Provision of Electric Vehicle infrastructure

22. Provision of Ultra Low Emission Boilers

23. Sustainable Travel Information Pack shall be submitted and agreed

24. Phase 2 Contaminated Land remediation strategy to be submitted  prior to commencement .

25. Contaminated land -  Verification report 

26. Contaminated land – soil testing

     27. Measures to deal with unexpected contamination

28 Implementation of CEMP

29. Provision of Cycle Storage for houses and apartments

30. Provision of Bin Stores

31. Implementation of surface water drainage scheme

32. Foul & surface water to be drained on separate systems

33. Obscure glazing to bathroom window in side elevation of Plot 19 

34. Removal of permitted development rights (Part 1 Classes A-E)

35. No dig solution for hard surfacing around root protection area for tree T5

36. No barriers / bollards on cycle paths

37. Local liaison group to be formed




1.  Outline Timescales

2.  Outline Matters Reserved

3.  Approved plans

4.  Provision of visibility splays for access

5.  Use Classes E (a) and E(b)

6.  Details of  levels to be submitted and approved 

7.  Implementation of a scheme of landscaping  

8.  Lighting scheme to be approved

9.  Boundary treatment   

10. Approval  of operating  hours prior to occupation  

11. Approval of  hours for deliveries prior to occupation

12. Provision of Electric Vehicle 1infrastructure

13  Provision of Ultra Low Emission Boilers

14. Phase 2 Contaminated land remediation strategy to be submitted prior to commencement

15. Contaminated land -  Verification report 

16. Contaminated land – soil testing

17. Measures to deal with unexpected contamination

18. Details of surface water drainage scheme to be submitted, approved and implemented

19. Provision of cycle parking   

20. Details of Bin Storage 

21. Updated badger survey prior to commencement

22. Safeguarding of nesting birds

23. Submission and implementation of a method statement for the eradication of non-native invasive species.

24. Submission and approval off  Ecological Enhancement strategy

25. Submission and approval of 30 year habitat and landscape


In order to give proper effect to the Strategic Planning Board’s intent and without changing the substance of its decision, authority is delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice Chair) to correct any technical slip or omission in the resolution, before issue of the decision notice.

Supporting documents: