To consider the above application.
Consideration was given to the above application.
(Councillor S Edgar, the Ward Councillor, Councillor H Faddes, the adjoining Ward Councillor, Professor G Lee-Treweek, an objector and Andrew Taylor, the applicant attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application).
That the application be approved subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement securing the following:-
Requirement |
Triggers |
Affordable Housing
30% of total dwellings to be prided (65% Affordable Rent / 35% Intermediate)
No more than 80% open market occupied prior to affordable provision within each phase. (dependent on agreement of Affordable Housing Statement)
Biodiversity Net Gain - Off site Ecological Mitigation
Commuted sum toward off- site habitat creation to be delivered in conjunction with a third party.
- To offset the 5.91 habitat units. - To offset the 0.42 hedgerow units.
Prior to commencement |
Open Space |
Management Scheme for POS, play area and landscaped areas
Provision of enhanced LEAP and POS
Prior to occupation
Prior to the occupation of no more than 50 % of the dwellings |
Indoor Sport
£26,650 towards Crewe Lifestyle Centre |
Prior to commencement |
Recreation & Outdoor Sports Contribution
£1,000 per family (2+bed) dwelling and £500 per 2+ bed apartment. |
Prior to commencement |
Total - £699,856 Primary - £282,003 towards the expansion at Hungerford Academy. Secondary - £326,853 towards mitigation measure as local schools are forecast to be cumulatively oversubscribed SEN £91,000 - Due to significant shortage of SEN placements across the Borough.
50% Prior to first occupation 50% at occupation of 75th dwelling |
£146,664towards the cost of providing a new healthcare facility(s) and/or the improvement/upgrading of an existing healthcare facility.
50% Prior to first occupation 50% at occupation of 75th dwelling |
And subject to the following conditions:-
1. Commencement of development (3 years)
2. Development in accordance with approved plans
3. Details of materials and finishes
4. Details of Surfacing materials
5. Details of Levels
6. Submission and approval of Landscaping scheme
7. Implementation of landscaping scheme
8. Design detail, specification and implementation of play area
9. Submission of Landscape Management Plan
10. Details of Boundary treatment and retaining structures
11. Tree Protection
12. Details of lighting – minimise impact on bats
13. Safeguarding of nesting birds
14. Development in accordance with Ecological Assessment Version 2
Submission of strategy to secure features to enhance biodiversity
15. Details of surface water drainage scheme to be submitted, approved and implemented
16. Development in accordance with Flood Risk Assessment (FRA)
17. Provision of Toucan crossing
18. Implementation of improvements to cycleway/footways to also refer to the submission of a scheme for the improvement of the footway on the western side of Sydney Road and for the provision of wayfinder signage for bus stops adjacent to the site access
19. Provision of Electric Vehicle infrastructure
20. Provision of Ultra Low Emission Boilers
21. Contaminated Land – Remedial scheme to be carried out in accordance with Enabling Works Remediation Strategy
22. Contaminated land – works to stop if any unexpected contamination is discovered on site
23. Contaminated land - imported soil
24. Implementation of noise mitigation
25. Submission, approval, and implementation of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
26. Details of cycle storage
27. Details of Bin Stores
28. Detailed scheme to secure southern parking courts
29. Removal of permitted development rights (Part 1 Classes A-E)
In order to give proper effect to the Strategic Planning Board’s intent and without changing the substance of its decision, authority is delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice Chair) to correct any technical slip or omission in the resolution, before issue of the decision notice.
(Prior to consideration of the following item, the meeting was adjourned for a short break).
Supporting documents: