To consider the above application.
Consideration was given to the above application.
(Mr Wilcox, representing the applicant attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application).
That for the reasons set out in the report and in the written and verbal update to the Board, the application be approved subject to the following conditions:-
1. Outline Timescales
2. Outline Matters Reserved
3. Development to proceed in accordance with the approved plans/report recommendations.
4. Materials – building and surface
5. Landscaping
6. Implementation of the scheme of landscaping
7. Prior to the commencement of development a Tree Protection Scheme is to be submitted and approved
8. Prior to the commencement of development an Arboricultual Method Statement for tree retention is to be submitted and approved
9. Prior to the commencement of development a scheme for arboricultural supervision is required to be submitted and approved
10.Prior to the commencement of development a Construction Environment Management Plan is to be submitted and approved
11.Noise protection measures to be implemented
12.Lighting to be approved
13.Travel Plan to be approved
14. Electric vehicle parking facilities
15.Ultra-low emission boilers
16.Anti-Idling Signage
17.Phase 1 Contaminated land remediation strategy to be submitted.
18.Verification report for contaminated land.
19.Soil testing
20.Measures to deal with unexpected contamination
21.Bird nesting season
22.Ecological enhancement measures
23.Surface water drainage scheme
24.Foul & surface water to be drained on separate systems
26.10% Renewable Energy
27.Cycling details to be submitted
1. Three year start
2. Development to proceed in accordance with the approved plans/report recommendations.
3. Materials – building and surface
4. Landscaping
5. Implementation of the scheme of landscaping
6. As part of any reserved matters application an Arboricultural Impact Assessment & Arboricultural Method Statement should be submitted.
7. Prior to the commencement of development a scheme for arboricultural supervision is required to be submitted and approved
8. Prior to the commencement of development a Construction Environment Management Plan is to be submitted and approved
9. Noise protection measures to be implemented
10.Lighting to be approved
11.Travel Plan to be approved
12.Electric vehicle parking facilities
13.Ultra-low emission boilers
14.Anti-Idling Signage
15.Phase 1 Contaminated land remediation strategy to be submitted.
16.Verification report for contaminated land.
17.Soil testing
18.Measures to deal with unexpected contamination
19.Bird nesting season
20.Ecological enhancement measures
21.Surface water drainage scheme
22.Foul & surface water to be drained on separate systems
24.10% Renewable Energy
25.Infrastructure (i.e. ducting) to be incorporated into the scheme (car park and bus station) to provide additional provisions for EV charging-Electric vehicle parking facilities – to include Infrastructure (i.e. ducting) to be incorporated into the scheme (car park and bus station) to provide additional provisions for EV charging
26.Cycling details to be submitted
27.Surface water drainage scheme - to include details of discharge rates
And subject to the informatives contained within the report and the additional
informative included below:-
Provision of community uses within future scheme; Landmark/townscape feature (in
lieu of clock tower).
In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Board's decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Planning has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Strategic Planning Board, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Board’s decision.
Supporting documents: