Agenda item

Consideration of the Late Night Levy by the Licensing Working Group

To consider a report regarding the findings of the working group tasked with considering the Late Night Levy.


The Committee considered a report outlining the findings of the Licensing Committee Working Group, which had been formed to consider whether the Council should consider imposing a Late Night Levy as a means of reducing the harmful effects of alcohol consumption within the Cheshire East area.


The Working Group had met with, and considered information provided by, a number of key stakeholders, including Cheshire Police, the Council’s Public Health Team, licence holders and trade representatives.


The Working Group had identified a number of possible options in addition to the Late Night Levy, including Early Morning Restriction Orders, Designated Public Place Orders, voluntary and best practice schemes, and the review of licensed premises.


The Licensing Team Leader reported that, as recommended by the Working Group, prior to the adoption of the Council’s next Statement of Licensing Policy, any policy review would consider areas that may benefit from designation as a ‘Cumulative Impact Area’.  Licensing officers would also continue to support the police in promoting and extending their Arc Angel project.  In addition, the team would contribute to the work being undertaken across Cheshire and Merseyside with respect to the introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing.


RESOLVED –That the implementation of the Late Night Levy or an Early Morning Restriction Order is not appropriate at this time.


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