To undertake a review of governance arrangements in respect of a small number of parishes
The Committee considered a report on proposals to undertake a review of governance arrangements in respect of a small number of parishes.
The Constitution Committee, at its meeting in February 2016, agreed that the Community Governance Review Sub Committee should be convened to undertake a review of governance arrangements in respect of the following parishes: Minshull Vernon and District; Bulkeley and Ridley; Hassall and Betchton; Lyme Handley; Doddington and District; and Burland Parish Council.
Since the meeting in February, a further request had been received from Hulme Walfield and Somerford Booth Parish Council to undertake a review. A representation had also been received from a member of the public to suggest that a review may be appropriate for Twemlow Parish Council.
Information had been received from the Clerk of Burland Parish Council and the Clerk of Doddington and District Parish Council to indicate that a review for their Parish Councils was no longer required as the number of vacancies was no longer an issue. The Clerk to Betchton Parish Council had also provided information to indicate that a decision was taken by the parish meeting of Hassall not to proceed with a common parish council for Betchton and Hassall.
The Sub Committee considered the requests for review for the following parishes:
· Minshull Vernon and District Parish Council – request to reduce the number of Councillors from 22 to 18
· Bulkeley and Ridley - request to merge the two parishes into one single ward parish
· Lyme Handley Parish Council – at present unable to operate as all 5 seats are vacant
· Hulme Walfield and Somerford Booth Parish Council – request to increase the number of parish councillors in Somerford Booth from 3 to 5
· Twemlow – suggestion to reduce seats down 7 to 5
1 That Community Governance Reviews be commenced for Minshull Vernon and District; Bulkeley and Ridley; Lyme Handley; and Hulme Walfield and Somerford Booth Parish Councils.
2 That the terms of reference for these reviews be as defined as follows:
Minshull Vernon and District – to consider the reduction in the number of parish councillors
Bulkeley and Ridley – to consider the merging of Bulkeley and Ridley Parishes into one parish
Lyme Handley – to consider options for alternative parishing arrangements
Hulme Walfield and Somerford Booth Parish Council – to consider an increase in the number of parish councillors
3 That before commencing consultation with electors in Minshull Vernon and District parishes, the Parish Council be informed that it was the view of the Sub Committee that the proposed number of councillors is too high and should be reduced to a maximum of 10. The response from the Parish Council to be reported to the next meeting.
4 That before commencing consultation with electors in the parish of Hulme Walfield and Somerford Booth, the Parish Council be informed that it is the view of the Sub Committee that an increase of 1 seat per ward would be more appropriate than an increase of 2 seats in the Somerford Booth Ward and that the response from the Parish Council be reported to the next meeting.
5 That electors in the Parishes of Bulkeley and Ridley Parish Council be consulted by letter (one letter per property) on the proposal put forward by the Parish Council.
6 That Kettleshulme Parish Council and Pott Shrigley Parish Council be consulted for their views on whether it would potentially be a viable option for their Parish Council to be combined with Lyme Handley. Should a positive response be received, the electors in the Parish of Lyme Handley be consulted on the options of:
I. Becoming a Parish Meeting
II. Forming a joint parish with Kettleshulme
III. Forming a joint parish with Pott Shrigley
7 That Twemlow Parish Council be consulted on whether they wish a review to be commenced for their parish with a view to reducing the number of councillors from 7 to 5 seats and the feedback be reported to the next meeting.
8 That the relevant Borough Ward Councillors be included in the above consultations.
9 That a review not be undertaken for Burland Parish Council given that all of the vacancies have now been filled.
10 That a review not be undertaken for Doddington and District Parish given that the majority of seats have now been filled.
11 That a review not be undertaken for Hassall and Betchton Parish Councils given the wish of the parish meeting of Hassall not to proceed with a common parish council.
12 That a further meeting of the Sub Committee be convened to consider the feedback received from the consultation together with any views expressed by ChALC.
13 That the Head of Governance and Democratic Services be given authority to agree the final wording for the letters of consultation, in consultation with the Chairman; following each Sub Committee members having had the prior opportunity to comment.
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