Browse meetings

General Appeals Sub Committee

This page lists the meetings for General Appeals Sub Committee.

Information about General Appeals Sub Committee

The Sub Committee will be responsible for

  1. hearing and determining appeals lodged under the various Marriage and Civil Partnership Acts;
  2. hearing and determining any appeals lodged with the Council for determination, as authorised under all relevant education legislation, excluding those duties falling to the Independent Appeals Panel (schools admissions and exclusions).
  3. hearing and determining any appeals lodged with the Council in respect of school transport or school organisation;
  4. hearing and determining appeals from bus contractors in accordance with contract procedures;
  5. hearing and determining any appeals lodged with the Council as Social Services Authority, and as authorised under all relevant social services legislation;
  6. hearing and determining any other appeals (other than staffing matters).


The membership of the Sub Committee will comprise 5 members drawn from a pool of 10.