The Corporate Policy Committee will provide strategic direction to
the operation of the Council by developing and recommending the
Corporate Plan to full Council and making decisions on policies and
practice where such decisions are not reserved to full Council.
The Committee’s responsibilities include:
formulation, co-ordination and implementation of the
Corporate Plan and
corporate policies and strategies, alongside the
medium term financial plan (budget) which is the responsibility of
the Finance Sub-Committee. In the discharge of those
responsibilities the Committee shall determine such matters to the
extent that they are not reserved to full Council.
Human Resources, Organisational Development and
Health and Safety matters affecting the Council; including adopting
HR policies and practices and assurance in relation to staffing
related matters;
making recommendations to Council in relation to the
annual Pay Policy Statement and any amendments to such
making recommendations to Council in relation to
decisions affecting the remuneration of any new post where the
remuneration is or is proposed to be or would become £100,000
p.a. or more.
making decisions in relation to proposed severance
packages with a value of £95,000 or more as appropriate
(excluding contractual and holiday pay), subject to the need to
obtain a approval from Council and central Government if
exercising the functions relating to local
government pensions, so far as they relate to Regulations made
under sections 7, 12, or 24 of the Superannuation Act 1972 or
subsequent equivalent legal provisions.
determining key cross-cutting policies and key plans
that impact on more than one service committee.
determining policy matters not otherwise allocated
to any other committee.
determining any matter of dispute or difference
between any committees.
a co-ordinating role across all other committees and
exercising a corporate view of outcomes, performance, budget
monitoring and risk management.
determining any matter that has a major impact on a
number of Council services or the Council as a whole.
oversight and monitoring of the Councillors’ Allowances budget and keeping under
review the scheme for the payment of allowances to Councillors through the appointment of an Independent
Remuneration Panel (IRP) to advise full Council on the adoption and
any proposed amendments to such scheme.
reviewing the Council’s Constitution and the
recommendation of any changes to the Council;
considering recommendations and an Annual Report of
the Council’s involvement in ASDVs;
appointing representatives to serve on outside
bodies and organisations (including education bodies and
establishments) and reviewing the process for considering
appointments to outside organisations;
appointing Lay Members (who shall not be
Councillors) to serve on the Independent Admissions and Exclusion
Appeals Panel as required under the relevant
approving the payment of a reasonable and proper
allowances and expenses for the work undertaken by the
Council’s Independent Persons.
Oversight, scrutiny, reviewing outcomes, performance, budget monitoring and risk
management of the Directorates of Finance & Customer Services; Governance
& Compliance Services and Transformation including the following functions: Legal, Governance and
Compliance; Audit and Risk; Transactional Services; Transformation;
Business Change; B4B/ERP; Human Resources, ICT; together with
Strategic Partnerships and shared services.
The Corporate Policy Committee shall be entitled to exercise: any
function of the Council not otherwise allocated; as well as the
functions of all other Committees and Sub-Committees, particularly
where plans, strategies or activities straddle a number of
To view the committee’s
current work programme click