Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Macclesfield, SK10 1EA. View directions
Contact: Martin Smith Tel: 01270 686012 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Members are reminded that, in accordance with governance procedure rule at Part 3 paragraph 2.6, Panel Members, or their constituent authority, may nominate substitute members of the Panel in the event that the appointed representative(s) is/are unable to attend the meeting. Advance notice of substitution should be given to the host authority wherever possible. Members are encouraged wherever possible to secure the attendance of a substitute if they are unable to be present. |
Code of Conduct - Declaration of Interests. Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when the item is reached. |
Election of Chair |
Public Participation To receive questions from members of the public. A total period of 15 minutes will be allocated for members of the public to speak at Panel meetings. Each member of the public shall be limited to a period of up to 5 minutes speaking. At the Chair’s discretion the period made available for questions and statements may be extended.
In order that an appropriate answer to the questions can be given, the deadline for indicating a wish to speak or for submission of questions is 3 clear working days before a meeting of the Panel. The Chair has the discretion to waive the 3-day rule for issues deemed to be urgent.
In response to questions or statements the Panel may choose to agree to either provide an agreed verbal response, that will be minuted or to provide a written reply to a questioners chosen address.
Those wishing to ask a question or make a statement should register by email to: send the question or statement by post to:
Cheshire Police and Crime Panel Democratic Services and Governance c/o Municipal Buildings Earle Street Crewe CW1 2BJ
A list of those speaking or asking questions at a meeting of the Panel will be drawn up by the Panel’s Secretariat in order of receipt. Copies of questions and statements will be circulated to all Panel members in advance of the meeting and will be made available to the public attending the meeting. Copies will also be available on the Police and Crime Panel’s page of the Cheshire East Council website.
Nobody may submit more than one question or make more than one statement at the same meeting, but a supplementary question, related to the subject raised in the question /statement, will be permitted for clarification at the discretion of the Chair.
Those speaking or asking questions will not be permitted to address any issue that is the subject of a current or proposed complaint by them against the Police and Crime Commissioner. They are also advised that reference to an issue that could become the subject of a future complaint by them could prejudice the Panel’s consideration of that complaint.
The Panel will not accept a question or statement if:
There is insufficient detail to enable a proper response to be provided.
It is not about a matter for which the Police and Crime Panel has responsibility.
It is potentially defamatory, frivolous or offensive against named individuals.
It is substantially the same question which has been put at a meeting of the Police and Crime Panel in the last six months.
It requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information. |
Minutes of Previous Meetings PDF 763 KB To approve the minutes of the meetings held on Friday 19 July 2024.
Additional documents: |
Appointment to Vacant Position of Independent Co-opted Member of the Panel PDF 110 KB To appoint a Recruitment Panel to take forward the recruitment process for the Independent Co-opted Member.
Panel's Work Programme PDF 536 KB To consider the programme of meetings and work programme. |
Questions Submitted in Advance to the Commissioner PDF 189 KB |
Welcome to the Commissioner/Commissioner's Introductory Comments |
Overview and Scrutiny of the Police and Crime Commissioner |