Agenda and minutes

Community Governance Review Sub-Committee - Thursday, 11th April, 2013 10.00 am

Venue: The Tatton Room - Town Hall, Macclesfield SK10 1EA. View directions

Contact: Paul Mountford  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in any item on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.


Public Speaking Time/Open Session

In accordance with Procedure Rules Nos.11 and 35 a period of 10 minutes is allocated for members of the public to address the meeting on any matter relating to the work of the body in question.  Individual members of the public may speak for up to 5 minutes but the Chairman or person presiding will decide how the period of time allocated for public speaking will be apportioned where there are a number of speakers. Members of the public are not required to give notice to use this facility. However, as a matter of courtesy, a period of 24 hours’ notice is encouraged.


Members of the public wishing to ask a question at the meeting should provide at least three clear working days’ notice in writing and should include the question with that notice. This will enable an informed answer to be given.




There were no members of the public wishing to speak.


Minutes of Previous meeting pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25th February 2013.





That the minutes of the meeting held on 25th February 2013 be approved as a correct record.


Project Plan pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Members are asked to endorse the revised project plan for the Macclesfield Community Governance Review.

Additional documents:


Members considered a revised project plan for the Macclesfield Community Governance Review.


Members noted that in the event of one or more parish councils being the outcome of the review, any elections were unlikely to be held before April 2015. In the light of this, Members considered the merits of extending the review period to allow more time for advance publicity, public consultation and feedback, and to avoid holding public meetings and ballots during school holidays.


In considering the matter, Members had regard to DCLG guidance that community governance reviews should take no longer than 12 months. In addition, it was considered unwise to extend the review unduly as this would not allow Members to accommodate any unforeseen slippage in the review process. Therefore, Members agreed that whilst the project plan should be adjusted to allow more time for public consultation and to avoid school holidays, and should reflect the fact that any parish elections would be held in April 2015, the review process itself should take no longer than 12 months.




That the project plan be further amended in the light of Members’ comments and resubmitted at the next meeting.



Consultation Leaflet pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Members are asked to consider and agree the proposed text of the leaflet to be used for the first stage of public consultation. This has been revised and updated following comments made at the previous meeting.

Additional documents:


Members considered the proposed text of the leaflet to be used for the first stage of public consultation. The text had been revised following comments made at the previous meeting.


The following amendments to the leaflet were agreed:


§  The Make it Macclesfield Forum should be included in the  ‘No Change’ section.


§  The leaflet should make it clear that in the event of no change to the existing governance arrangements, Cheshire East Council would remain responsible for all local authority services within the unparished area.


§  The leaflet should set out the implications for the Macclesfield Charter Trustees under the different governance options.


Members felt that, as with previous reviews, two versions of the leaflet should be produced: one very brief and to the point, and another containing more detail for those seeking further information.




That the leaflet be amended as agreed and the Chairman be authorised to approve the final version.



Public Meetings

Members are asked to agree the following proposed dates and venues for public meetings which will be held to provide information to residents about the Macclesfield Community Governance Review.



Wed 1 May

 7.30pm – 9pm



Tytherington Club

Thurs 2 May

7.30pm – 9pm



Broken Cross Club

Friday 3 May

2pm – 4pm


Capesthorne Room,

Macclesfield Town Hall




Members considered proposals for a number of public meetings for the Macclesfield Community Governance Review. These would involve a presentation followed by a question and answer session, the purpose being to provide information on the nature and purpose of the review, the community governance options for consideration, and the means by which members of the public could submit their comments. As with previous reviews, Members of the Sub-Committee present at the meetings would focus on the process involved without championing a particular option, in accordance with DCLG guidance.


Members suggested that about six meetings be held, some in the afternoon and others in the evening, but not during school holidays, at a range of locations across the unparished area, including school halls. The officers noted specific suggestions from local ward members.




That the officers submit proposals for consideration at the next meeting.



Next Meeting


Friday, 17th May 2013 at 10.30 am at Macclesfield Town Hall.