Venue: The Ballroom, Sandbach Town Hall, High Street, Sandbach, CW11 1AX. View directions
Contact: Helen Davies Tel: 01270 685705 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Councillor David Marren, Councillor Laura Smith (Councillor Hazel Faddes substituted) and Councillor Kathryn Flavell (Councillor Mike Hunter substituted). |
Declarations of Interest/Pre Determination To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests and for Members to declare if they have pre-determined any item on the agenda. Minutes: In the interest of openness, Councillor Mike Hunter declared that he was a non-Executive Director of ANSA, however it was noted ANSA had not been a consultee on any of the applications before the Committee on this agenda. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 59 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd June 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting 23 June 2021 be accepted as a correct and accurate record. |
Public Speaking A total period of 5 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following:
· Ward Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee · The relevant Town/Parish Council
A total period of 3 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following:
· Members who are not members of the planning committee and are not the Ward Member · Objectors · Supporters · Applicants Minutes: RESOLVED: That the public speaking procedure be noted. |
To consider the above application. Minutes: Consideration was given to the above application.
(Vice Chair of Bunbury Parish Council, Councillor Andrew Thomson and Mrs. Isabel Noonan, Local Resident Objector attended the meeting and spoke against the application).
That, for the reasons set out in the report, the application be REFUSED as recommended with the following additional reason;
3. The application site includes historic evidence of roosting bats. No bat activity survey has been provided to establish the presence/likely absence of roosting bats. Therefore, insufficient information has been provided within the application and the development is contrary to Policy SE3 of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy, NE.9 of the Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan and the NPPF.
Heads of Terms in the event of an appeal amended to remove the requirement for an education contribution.
To consider the above application. Minutes: Consideration was given to the above application.
(Ward Councillor and one of the Councillors who called in the application Councillor Steven Edgar, Adjacent Ward Councillor and one of the Councillors who called in the application Councillor Janet Clowes, Weston and Basford Parish Councillor John Cornell and Local Resident Objector Robert Galloway attended the meeting and spoke against the application. The Agent for the Applicant, James Warrington attended the meeting and spoke in favour of it).
That the application be REFUSED against officer recommendation for the following reason;
The proposed removal of condition 9 would result in noise and disturbance to nearby residential properties causing harm to residential amenity. The proposal is contrary to policies SE12 and EG2 of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy, BE.1 of the Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan and E1 of Weston and Basford Neighbourhood Plan and the NPPF.
To consider the above application. Minutes: Consideration was given to the above application.
(Ward Councillor and the Councillor who called in the application Councillor Steven Edgar spoke against the application).
That for the reasons set out in the report, the application be APPROVED as recommended with the following additional condition;
1) Time limit 2) Approved plans 3) Submission of full details of materials 4) Soil imported for use in gardens to be tested and verified 5) If, during the course of development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present, no further works shall be undertaken in the affected area and the contamination shall be reported to the Local Planning Authority as soon as reasonably practicable (but within a maximum of 5 days from the find). Prior to further works being carried out in the identified area, a further assessment shall be made and appropriate remediation implemented in accordance with a scheme also agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 6) Provision of a risk assessment and if appropriate site sampling to address the risks posed by land contamination, followed by a remediation strategy if necessary 7) Provision of electric vehicle infrastructure 8) Boundary treatment to the rear boundary of No.435 Crewe Road, to be in place prior to any other construction work taking place. 9) Protection of breeding birds 10) Compliance with the mitigation methods set out in the submitted Ecological Assessment by Kingdom Ecology Ltd dated 30th June 2021 11) Submission of a strategy for the incorporation of features to enhance the biodiversity value of the development, including provisions for nesting birds, including house sparrow and roosting bats 12) Cycle Parking to be submitted and approved 13) Surfacing materials to be submitted and approved 14) Submission and approval of a construction management plan
In order to give proper effect to the Committee’s intentions and without changing the substance of the decision, authority is delegated to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice Chair) of Southern Planning Committee, to correct Page 52 any technical slip or omission in the wording of the resolution, between approval of the minutes and issue of the decision notice.