34 Cheshire East Drugs and Alcohol Plan PDF 174 KB
To consider a report on the new drugs and alcohol plan for Cheshire East.
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report seeking approval for the new drugs and alcohol plan for Cheshire East, from Nik Darwin, Acting Programme Lead, Thriving and Prevention/ Live Well for Longer, and Professor Rod Thomson, Interim Consultant in Public Health. The report aligned with the priority within the Cheshire East Corporate Plan of: “a council which empowers and cares about people’. It also aligned with the Government’s 10-year drug strategy: “From harm to hope” and with the Cheshire East Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2028.
The Committee were updated that the team were working with local drug project groups and that the commissioned services provided services around needle exchange and screening for blood borne viruses. It was noted that there were instances where people used substances as a means of self-medication and the service would be supportive to them and their issues, and older people who have had long-term alcohol problems, or were habitual users would require different treatment.
It was noted that there were over 14,000 people classed as “high risk” with regards to alcohol consumption across Cheshire East, and 3500 who were alcohol dependent.
The increase in cannabis users in local areas was raised by Members. It was noted that trying to persuade users not to use drugs was a difficult process, but users hearing from those who have dealt with their own issues could be effective and tailored to individual cases.
It was noted that the Service would need to work together with partners to make the best us of the resources available, and Cheshire East Council would work with providers to ensure that programmes were successfully delivered and to help address issues before they become major problems.
RESOLVED: (Unanimously)
That the Adults and Health Committee:
1. Approve the new drugs and alcohol plan – Reducing drug and alcohol harm in Cheshire East.