Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 10/09/2024 - Strategic Planning Board (Item 25)

Declarations of Interest/Pre Determination

To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, and non-registerable interests in any item on the agenda and for Members to declare if they have a pre-determination in respect of any item on the agenda.


In the interest of openness the following declarations were made:


Councillor Edgar declared that, in relation to application 22/1447N, the application was within his Ward, he had been in sight of discussions of the application but had not discussed the matter, and had received emails from residents with requests but had not discussed the matter.


Councillor Smetham declared that, in relation to application 22/1447N, she had been acquainted with John Cornell, public speaker, for a number of years but they had not discussed the application.


Councillor Clowes declared that, in relation to application 22/1447N, she had attended meeting on application a number of years ago, but this application was not within her Ward and she did not feel fettered in engaging with the meeting.


Councillor Edwards declared that, in relation to application 22/1447N, he was a resident of the Ward.


Councillor Puddicombe declared that, in relation to application 22/1447N, he had received an email from Bloor Homes regarding the application.


Councillor Moss declared that, in relation to application 22/1447N, she had received an email from Bloor Homes regarding the application.


Councillor Gardiner referred to his earlier Declaration of Interest from December 2023, in relation to Item 7 on the agenda, when the application was originally considered.