10 Service Budgets 2024/25 (Adults & Health Committee) PDF 464 KB
To receive the report setting out the allocation of the approved budgets for 2024/25 to the Adults and Health Committee.
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The committee considered the report which set out the allocation of the approved budgets for 2024-25 to the Adults and Health committee. The committee thanked officers for introducing RAG ratings to the report which provided the committee with a clear picture of progress on decision-making throughout the municipal year.
The Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for Cheshire East Council for the four years 2024/25 to 2027/28 had been approved by full Council on 27 February 2024. Service committees were being allocated budgets for 2024/25 in line with the approved MTFS. The financial reporting cycle would provide regular updates on progress on delivery of the budget change items, the forecast outturn position, progress on capital schemes, movement on reserves and details of any supplementary estimates and virements.
The committee queried the pressures relating to SEND and noted that a piece of work was underway to ensure that children had a review of their EHCP status prior to transitioning into adult social care. It was stated that the costs of providing care set out within EHCPs for adults was a significant cost to the service, but the authority had a statutory duty to provide this care.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Adults and Health Committee
1. Note the decision of the Finance Sub-Committee to allocate the approved revenue and capital budgets, related budget policy changes and earmarked reserves to the Adults and Health Committee, as set out in Appendix A.
2. Note the financial reporting timetable for 2024/25 set out in Appendix B as approved at Finance Sub-Committee on 22 March 2024.
3. Note progress on the delivery of the MTFS budget policy change items, the RAG ratings and latest forecasts, and to understand the actions to be taken to address any adverse variances from the approved budget.