78 Recommendations from Corporate Policy Committee: Targeted Review of Members' Allowances PDF 363 KB
To consider the recommendations of the Corporate Policy Committee.
Additional documents:
The Corporate Policy Committee, at its meeting on 13 February 2024, had considered the the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel in respect of a targeted review of Members’ Allowances in the context of the budget consultation on the Council’s financial position.
RESOLVED: That Council agree that
1 a) the Constitution Working Group reviews the job descriptions for the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, Service Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs and Opposition Spokespersons.
b) the Working Group’s recommendations in respect of these job descriptions to be submitted to the Independent Remuneration Panel.
c) the Independent Remuneration Panel consider and review these job descriptions and report back to Constitution Working Group; the Working Group to consider if the job descriptions should be referred onwards.
d) a full review of all member allowances by the new Independent Remuneration Panel be carried out after the actions set out in a) to c) have been completed.
2 agree that, where the annual NJC officer pay award is for a flat rate, and percentage increase to salaries and other allowances respectively, the percentage increase applicable to other allowances will be regarded as that year’s uplift in respect of Cheshire East’s Scheme of Members’ Allowances.
3 that no uplift to the Scheme of Members’ Allowances be implemented in 2023/2024.
87 Targeted Review of Members' Allowances PDF 333 KB
To consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel in respect of a targeted review of members’ allowances.
Additional documents:
The committee considered the report which set out the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel in respect of a targeted review of Members’ Allowances in the context of the budget consultation on the Council’s financial position.
Members sought clarity on recommendation 1e which proposed that the allowances scheme be amended to allow for two special responsibility allowances to be claimed by any one Councillor. This recommendation was debated by the committee, both the positive impact this would have for working members and also the impact this could have on the budget and the MTFS proposal to reduce the costs of democracy, was highlighted.
RESOLVED (by majority):
That the Corporate Policy Committee recommends that Full Council:
1a) Agree that the Constitution Working Group reviews the job descriptions for the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, Service Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs and Opposition Spokespersons.
b) The Working Groups recommendations in respect of these job descriptions to be submitted to the Independent Remuneration Panel.
c) The Independent Remuneration Panel consider and review these job descriptions and report back to Constitution Working Group; the Working Group to consider if the job descriptions should be referred onwards.
d) A full review of all member allowances by the new Independent Remuneration Panel be carried out after the actions set out in a) to c) have been completed.
e) The allowances scheme be amended, to allow for two special responsibility allowances to be claimed by any one Councillor.
2. Agree that, where the annual NJC officer pay award is for a flat rate and percentage increase to salaries and other allowances respectively, the percentage increase applicable to other allowances will be regarded as that year’s uplift in respect of Cheshire East’s Scheme of Members’ Allowances.
3. That no uplift to the Scheme of Members’ Allowances be implemented in 2023/2024.