21 Procurement Pipeline PDF 156 KB
To consider a report which provides an update of the pipeline of procurement activity, an update on the contracts awarded this financial year, and an update on the number of cases where and reasons why procurement activity has required the use of waivers.
Additional documents:
The Sub-Committee considered a report which provided an update of the pipeline of procurement activity, an update on the contracts awarded this financial year, and an update on the number of cases where, and reasons why, procurement activity had required the use of waivers.
The detailed waivers referred to in the report would be considered in Part 2 of the meeting.
It was proposed that a member working group be re-established for the current year to review procurement activity and report back to the Sub-Committee.The Procurement Working Group terms of reference had been approved on 6th of July 2022 and were set out at Appendix 3 to the report.
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That the Sub-Committee
1. approves the 1 pipeline project in Appendix 1, column H of the report as business as usual;
2. notes the reason for 4 waivers approved between 1st April 2023 and 31st August 2023 (4 in total in 2023/24);
3. notes the contracts awarded since April 2023 as set out in Appendix 2; and
4. appoints a Procurement Working Group for the current year to review 2022/2023 procurement activity, the members to be:
Councillor J Clowes
Councillor B Drake
Councillor M Gorman
Councillor R Kain